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Disclaimer: Highschool DXD, Death Battle, Mario, Sonic, and anything featured in the episode or this chapter all belongs to their perspective owners.

The episode starts.

Wiz: Their rivalry is legendary and their fame unmatched. After battling for over two decades, this epic duel will finally meet a decisive end.

Boomstick: About damn time!

Wiz: Mario, the whimsical Italian plumber.

Boomstick: And Sonic, the hyperactive hedgehog.

Issei: They must be video game mascot rivals.

Koneko: I guess games are a popular thing in their world.

Wiz: I'm Wizard.

Boomstick: And I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win... a DEATH BATTLE.


Mario wears a red shirt and hat and wears blue overalls and brown shoes.

Wiz: Mario is one of the Star Children and possesses many special abilities with the intent of protecting his home, the Mushroom Kingdom. Even as a baby, he was obviously destined for greatness.

Boomstick: When you've got an army of dinosaurs serving you before you can even speak, you know you're gonna do great things.

Everyone find Baby Mario cute, if that weren't enough, Yoshis are around him.


Heigt: 5 ft 1 in

Can Jump over 20 ft High

Super Strength, Durability, and Stamina

Skilled Combatant

Wiz: He is well known for his incredible athleticism and unmatched jumping ability.

Boomstick: Who says fat guys can't jump?

Wiz: Plus, he's a powerhouse, with the strength to lift heavy objects and crush enormous castles. He also uses his bare fists to smash solid brick.

Everyone were impressed by his physique.

Koneko: He's quite an athlete... for a fatass.

Boomstick: With his jumping skills and weight, he can pound and crush his foes into oblivion, and if he needs some extra firepower, well, he's got his entire arsenal of power-ups!

Fire Flower

Grants Pyrokinesis

Can Shoot Bouncing Fireballs

-Fireballs can be Charged into Devastating Blasts *This impressed everyone.*

Wiz: His first power-up is the Fire Flower. With it, Mario obtains pyrokinetic abilities.

Boomstick: Really? I always thought the flower was just really spicy.

Wiz: He can create and manipulate fire to produce a variety of devastating attacks.

Boomstick: Including this!

They see Mario blasts out a fiery blast that devastates all of his foes. And everyone were impressed.

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