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Disclaimer: Highschool DXD, Death Battle, Naruto, Avatar, and anything featured in the episode of Death Battle or this chapter all belongs to their perspective owners.

Death Battle

Wiz: Throughout Death Battle, we've seen all manner of weapons and abilities....

Akeno: Yep, we've seen some pretty amazing things.

Wiz: But these two combatants command the Very Earth around them.

Boomstick: Gaara of the Desert.

Wiz: And Toph Beifong, the Blind Bandit.

Everyone were interested.

Wiz: I'm Wizard.

Boomstick: And I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a DEATH BATTLE.


Wiz: Gaara of the Desert is a short, skinny, pale, stick of a kid, but he's also one of the deadliest shinobi in the world.

Boomstick: He looks like a member of Green Day.

They don't know who they really are, then moved on.


Age: 19 years

Full Title: Garra of the Sand Waterfall

Birthdate: January 19

Blood Type: AB

Son of Rasa

Host of Shukaku

Brother to Temari and Kankuro

5th Kazekage

Wiz: Gaara is the son of the Fourth Kazekage, leader of the village hidden in the sand. Born prematurely at the cost of his mother's life, Gaara was destined for a childhood of depression and loneliness from the get-go.

Everyone were really saddened at this, especially Akeno because that reminded her of her dead mom again.

Boomstick: Not even a minute old and already has a kill under his belt.

Issei: Woah! Boomstick! Don't joke about that!

Rossweisse: Typical of him.

Boomstick: Though, technically he had a little help. Because, you see, as he was being born, his father was like "Hey! You know what would be awesome?! Using ninja magic to seal a horrible monster in my son's belly to turn him into an ultimate weapon."

Gaara lets out an agonizing scream while sand moves around him really fast. Everyone winced at that.

Koneko: *Sighs.* Great... another one of those origin stories.

Yuuto: Too true.

Wiz: The process was successful and Gaara became a jinchūriki: human beings who have powerful tailed beasts trapped within them.

Issei: So like Ddraig seald in Boosted Gear except his beast is sealed in him?

Ddraig: Sounds about right.

Wiz: Gaara's beast was Shukaku, a giant tanuki with power over sand.

Boomstick: Aww, I want a tanuki as a pet. They're so fluffy and adorable, you just wanna hu- "Shukaku appears.*

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