Chapter 54

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Ales's POV

I staggered slightly and almost dropped my sword out of shock. I had always thought that he had blamed Serenity, his siblings or dad. Maybe even me, but I never suspected that he blamed himself.

To tell you the truth... I was starting to get annoyed with everyone blaming themselves for something I had done. I mean how is it their fault if I decide to die??? As if them blaming themselves could control my decision or change the past.

End (screaming): IT WAS ALL MY FAULT!!! I didn't obey you when you told me not to interfere!!! You died trying to save me!!! EVERYTHING WAS MY FAULT!!!!

Me ((feeling annoyed) striking the sword and sending it flying into the darkness and giving him another kick to the gut): I did that out of my own free will... And if the same incident or something similar were to happen again, I'd take the same action!!! I'd do anything to protect you, your siblings and my wife!!! So, I'd be really glad if you all would stop blaming yourselves for my decision!!!!

I watched as End sat up weakly and started to slowly shrink in size, until he looked like the seven year old boy that he had preferred when I was alive. Tears streamed down his face as he flung himself to me.

End: I... I'm so sorry, daddy!!!

Ales (trying not to smile as i hugged him back( my gray eyes turning yellow)): Remind me again how old you are??? Well, I'm glad that fight is over... Now all you have to do is apologize to your mom...

End (softly): She's cheating on you...

Me (confused): Who???

End: Mom...

Me: HAA???

End (glaring at nothing): She's together with a slimy son of Poseidon!!!! Can you believe that???!!!

Me (fakes an uncomfortable cough): Umm... I am that 'slimy son of Poseidon' (making air quotations with his fingers)

End (eyes almost popping): WHAT!!!!????

Me: I was reborn... Unlike titans and gods who have to power to regenerate, myself, your mother, siblings and yourself, rather than regenerating, we die and are reborn, sometimes with memories and sometimes without. It was a coincidence that I ended up as the son of Poseidon...

End (nodding his head): Ohh.... So mother was not cheating on you... Why did you take so long to get reborn???

Me (sighing): Since I was stabbed by a sword specifically created to destroy those who are less powerful that dad, it slowed down my reincarnation by a few thousand years.

End (snorting): A few??? Anything else I need to know???

Me (grinning evilly): Not that I can think of... Oh... Your siblings all have boyfriends. Even Chaos got one...

End (shocked): WHAT!!???

Me: Yup... You have to keep him away from her, got it...

End (firmly): Don't worry, I'll not let him near her!!!

Me (grinning): Come on... We'd better get back to your mother. I don't know for how long we've been here and if she's with the Olympians, she might try to kill someone. Maybe she already has...

At Olympus

Serenity's POV

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