Chapter 11- Invasion

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Third Person POV

After the needlessly aggressive Pillow War of the 1-A Dorms, the pillows were now set up as a layer on the floor inside their pillow fort. It made anyone sitting on them feel like they were floating on a cloud; and after the winners of the war were announced (Hagakure and Mina won due to Hagakure's sneak attacks and Mina's distractions), everyone was really fuckin tired. They decided to leave it at that and play the movies they were supposed to watch before.

While everyone was snuggling up against eachother, under blankets and on top of the pillows, Shinsou reluctantly slithered out from under the fluffy blanket he and Ojirou were sharing (no homo tho) to get a drink (mourning the loss of his 'hopefully future boyfriend' sure did make him even thirstier than he already is for Ojirou). He walked tiredly into the kitchen and opened the fridge to get a Caprisun...but they were out. ....great.

He looked for other drinks, but the alcohol was completely drained (solely by Todoroki, Mina, Hagakure and Bakugou), and they had no water. What kind of common area doesn't have water aside from the tap???

Shinsou sighed and decided he could just go to a nearby corner store and buy something. But, being the generous soul he is, he decided to ask everyone else if they wanted anything. So he walked back into the common room and had Tokoyami pause the current movie playing.

"Hey everyone, sorry for interrupting the movie, but I'm heading to the store to get stuff and wanted to know if you wanted anything?" He said as loud as his tired voice could muster while everyone's attention was on him. He was not prepared for the onslaught of answers coming his way.

"Arizona tea!"
"Tabasco chocolate!"
"Sour s'ghetti!"
"Fuckin' weeeeeed"

He tried to pay attention to what everyone was saying but...he was really dazed.

"Okay, everyone shut up and I'll go in order." He waved one of his arms out in front of him and pulled out his phone with the other, opening the Notes app so he can type everything down.

Thankfully, he was able to take note of what everyone wanted with as little chaos as possible.

"Kay, thanks and I'll be back in a lil' while so don't wait up for me." He gave a thumbs up before Todoroki stood up and walked over to him.

"I can go with you to pay for everything."
"Oh, that won't be-"
"It's Endeavor's credit card." Todoroki said and pulled the card quickly from God knows where.
"...nevermind you can come along."

Shinsou said slowly and Todoroki nodded, then, they were out the door while everyone else watched Legally Blonde.

Kaminari's POV

"Listen matter what....just don't hurt anybody....please....anyone but them..."

Sero's POV

After Shinsou and Todoroki left, I was starting to get a little worried as to where Denki went. He left a little bit before the movie started because he said he had a phone call, and he looked sort of panicked about it.

Still, Denki would tell me if something was up, right? Before we got together, we were still best friends and would still tell each other anything that bothered us. I'm certain this isn't any different and I'm just being paranoid now that we're together....yeah..that's it. I let out a quiet breath and tap my fingers against my leg. Nothing's wrong...he's're ok...

While You Were Busy Being Heterosexual, We Studied The Blade. (BNHA Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now