Ch. 36- "There's a fucking ninja turtle on our couch Ojirou-"

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Twice's POV

"AAAAAAAA" Toga and I screamed as we fell through the floor of the dorm buildings and through the air until we crashed onto the ground of the bar, smashing the ice we were trapped in. As soon as we escaped from it, I held out my hand to Toga and pulled her up, going over to do the same to Shigaraki until he punched the ground hard, his knuckles beginning to bleed immediately.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!" Shigaraki yelled and screamed at the ground, completely kneeled over. Toga and I looked at eachother with complete worry, then back to a miserable Shigaraki.

"DABI HOW FUCKING COULD YOU???" His voice started cracking. Whether it was because he started crying or his voice was just sore neither of us knew. Then Mustard and Compress came running into the room, trying to see what all the screaming was for.

"What's happening here?!" Compress shouted at us.

"Where's everyone else?? I thought you said you were going to get Dabi and Kurogiri?? AND WHERE'S SPINNER???"

"They got Spinner too! And Shigaraki is really shaken up over Dabi!" Toga answered them both while Shigaraki kept his head down, his breaths shaky.

"...Shigaraki, you alright man?"
"Do you need help?"

I hear a faint sigh from Shigaraki as he gets up from the floor, still keeping his head down as he walks back to his room.

"...your hands are bleeding."
"Do you need bandages?"

"Just... leave me alone." He mutters through gritted teeth and slams the door. Compress and Mustard look at me weirdly and I shrug. Toga shakes her head and goes to get a deck of cards to take our minds off of it.

It feels empty here without Spinner.


Todoroki's POV

"Uh.. Todoroki, you know I don't really have an issue with.. helping a villain, but why????" Ojirou stares across at me at our lunch table. We both managed to convince Shinsou and Izuku to let us sit alone together so we could discuss this. No one else knows that Spinner broke into the dorms, we haven't told them yet.

"I heard Aizawa say he wants to help as much of the league as he can. Maybe even all of them. As well as my brother, this could be a nice start to helping them all. Also, these are my brother's friends. He really cares about them and he can't just abandon them. As a hero in training, I may as well help him out. That and he was about to fucking die." I explain to him, the last part earned a small laugh from him but overall he seemed understanding of the whole situation.

"I see where you guys are coming from. There's a thin line between what makes a hero and a villain, sometimes the villains just need to be nudged slightly to the other side of that line."

"Exactly. An example of that is me and my brother. We were raised in the same household, but Touya just couldn't bear to live in that... way anymore, Which I totally understand."

"Right.. Endeavor didn't treat any of you great, did he? It wasn't just you?"

"It definitely wasn't just me. He treated Touya the same way until Touya couldn't take it anymore and he completely gave up on him. He didn't care about Natsuo or Fuyumi since they had ice quirks and couldn't carry on his legacy and so he completely neglected them. Our mother... don't even get me started on how he treated her..." I explain everything and feel a lingering pang if resentment and anger begin to spark in me. He takes notice and pats me on the shoulder comfortingly.

While You Were Busy Being Heterosexual, We Studied The Blade. (BNHA Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now