Ch. 37- Iida Threatens Someone and it's Hot

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Dabi- I mean Touya's POV

"There's a  fucking ninja turtle-" Sero whisper yells in shock at seeing Spinner still sound asleep on the couch. Kaminari furiously types on his phone, everyone else is standing in completely rigid positions, keeping careful eyes on Spinner. I step out from the kitchen doorway and try to defuse the situation.

"Don't worry guys, his name is-"

"Spinner. His name is Spinner." Kaminari spoke in... an almost hopeful tone. He was actually happy... oh yeah, I totally forgot! Spinner was like his big brother figure back when he was forced into the league. We all felt bad for the kid, his dad hated him, and we all knew he didn't want anything to do with us. But Spinner... he completely took Kaminari out of his shy and resenting shell, introducing him to all kind of video games and trends on his phone to distract him from the terror of staying with the rest of the league. He was who Kaminari always went to for guidance... or when he wanted to talk or hang out. I think, deep down, Spinner knew Kaminari would end up being a hero and abandoning us. He knew they would end up clashing but he helped him anyways since he didn't want him to suffer the same fate he did with his family... he just wanted to help out the kid. Honestly, no one at the league liked his dad, child abuse is not tolerated, as well as many other things. It was great when the two of them started to get along, and now that they're reunited again, no doubt that they'll get up to some absolute shenanigans.

"...yeah, his name is Spinner."

"Woah. Kaminari you knew him, I'm guessing?"

"Knew him? Knew him??? He was the only reason I didn't jump of a goddamn bridge during my time with the league. He was like... like... the brother I never had! He was also... the first person I came out to..." (huwoah I didn't know that). Kaminari raised his voice just slightly, talking fast and excitedly, literally ecstatic. The tension in the room dialed down a lot, everyone looked at Spinner still with some distrust, but also thankfully. He kept their resident Pikachu alive, after all.

"You came out to him first?? Was he accepting??"

"Let's just say, he's almost as disastrous of a bi as me."


"-Yeah, well he isn't completely pleased to just be back... he's getting used to it, but his serum still hasn't worn off so he'll be a bit hostile.. careful, guys." I interrupt and warn them all as I see Spinner begin to stir in his sleep. He'll probably be waking up soon...

"We understand. We're just happy he's.. trying to get used to it." Iida speaks up and sporadically moves around his hands like a robot. Does he always do this? Either way, he perked up a bit.

"Is there anything we can do for him once he wakes up? Food? Water? A place to sleep? Our souls???? We're happy to provide for him! (aslongashedoesn'ttrytokillusagain-)" Iida offers at a fast pace and mutters the last part of slander. I open my mouth to answer before seeing Spinner's eyes slowly start to blink open from the corner of my eye. I turn my gaze back to Iida and motion to Spinner.

"Ask him yourself." I invite.

As if one cue, Spinner's eyes open completely and he sits up with a dazed look on his face, disoriented and still half asleep, probably. He looked at the kids and I through his peripherals.

While You Were Busy Being Heterosexual, We Studied The Blade. (BNHA Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now