Ch. 52- It's Alright, It's Okay

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Shuichi's POV

Throughout the entire time I was in the mall with Denki and Rin, I was basically a distracted, aimless, wandering idiot. Rin kept showing me an organized list of the stores he normally bought heat-correcting clothes from here, but I kept forgetting the names and getting distracted at bright, neon lights in store windows or video game store displays. But Rin was oddly patient.

I felt bad. Normally, I'm never this distracted.. yeah, I get side-tracked often, but it never lasts this long and to this caliber. It's like I just completely forgot we were here to buy me things and I was being distracted b- heehoo shiny video gameeeee-


I can't even think straight. Why am I all of a sudden such a mess?

Is it the crowded area? The bright lights? After living do long in shadows and run down buildings, is this just catching my attention? Maybe it's the fact I finally feel safe enough to be myself in front of these two? But that doesn't make sense, we're surrounded by strangers... is it the opportunity of finally getting to do what I want to do???

I have no idea. Maybe it's all of them at once? Then what's the biggest factor here?? Wh-

Hheeeheehoo shiny light it's PINK!


I feel like such a nuisance. I'm a grown man! I shouldn't have to shackle down these two, they shouldn't have to keep snapping me out of my distracted trances so often!! God, they probably hate me. Why can't I just pay attention? What is wrong with me?? I keep almost dropping my bags because I just forget that I'm holding them. How fucking usless.

"We're at the store, Shuichi!" Denki smiles and basks in the glory of it. It was a place that specialized in autumn clothes, y'know, stuff you would find on Pinterest.

"This place is one of my favorites. The sweater I'm wearing right now is from here, actually." Rin smiles while slightly pulling on his mint green wool sweater. The threads were knitted together in such a way that they looked like bumpy yet smooth scales, the exact kind Rin creates on his skin. Just looking at it makes me want to reach out and pet it.

Wait, I'm getting distracted again.

"-ree to look around to your heart's content, anything you want we can buy." Rin gives me a thumbs up.

"Thank you... but would you both mind looking around with me? I'm really distracted for some reason and I don't just want to wander out of the store." I say with a nervous smile and Rin nods understandingly. I still can't believe I'm resorting to asking help from a couple of teenagers... there's nothing bad with it in concept, it's just that I've had more time to mature... I should know how to handle myself! Yet I don't even know what's going on with me!! It's really starting to fucking piss me off.

"Sure thing, Shu!" Kaminari pats my back and I walk into the store. As well as me looking around myself, as they stuck by my side, they pointed out a few things they thought might interest me. It was nice to have a couple of helpers.

"They have this really cool pink sweater, it matches your eyes!"

"Yeah, and this maroon sweater matches your edgy aesthetic."

While You Were Busy Being Heterosexual, We Studied The Blade. (BNHA Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now