Ch. 35- Totally unrelated, but I wanna say Spinner's beautiful and I love him

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Shigaraki: RiskyHandjob
Dabi: MasterHasGivenDabiASock
Toga: BloodKink
Spinner: Raphael
Kurogiri: VapeCloud
Mr. Compress: MagicMike
Twice: MonochromeDeadpool
Mustard: Ketssup??




RiskyHandjob: oh yeah, AND KUROGIRI???

BloodKink: No! What happened?? Where have they been???

RiskyHandjob: They went on a mission to sneak into UA and I haven't heard from them since.

Raphael: Maybe they were captured? Or turned in to the police??

MonochromeDeadpool: But they're both strong!! They should be ok, yeah??? (They're fucking dead).


MagicMike: Can you track their locations?

RiskyHandjob: Both of their cellphones are disconnected. I think they destroyed them.

MagicMike: Damn.

Ketssup??: What if we sent a group to retrieve them from UA?

RiskyHandjob: Are you fucking insane???

Ketssup??: According to my therapist, yes.

MonochromeDeadpool: We're too broke to afford a therapist!! (Therapy? Who's she?).

Ketssup??: We have a Compress. That's close enough.

Ketssup??: But think about it, there's no kids out during school hours, and all the teachers are teaching in their classrooms. There won't be people there to spot us. And besides, we still have that secret entrance onto the campus that's open.

RiskyHandjob: Alright, fine. But once we get there, we're grabbing Dabi and leaving.

RiskyHandjob: And Kurogiri. Kurogiri too.

BloodKink: Who's all going??

Raphael: I'll go.

MonochromeDeadpool: Me too! (Count us in ig).

RiskyHandjob: Me obviously.

BloodKink: Great!! It'll be the four of us. Compress and Mustard will stay here at the bar and make sure nothing happens while we're gone.

Ketssup??: Okay

MagicMike: Sounds like a plan.

RiskyHandjob: Remember, if we're caught, leave immediately. We can't lose any more league members. It's small enough as it is even without those two missing.

Raphael: Can do, boss.

MonochromeDeadpool: Spinner... we're not letting you drive. (Playing GTA is not a feasible replacement to having an actual license.)

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