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chapter fifteen; Bring Me A Dream
You're quite cocky for a bloke with the imprint of my bathroom tiles on his cheek. "

  IT WAS NEARING the end of August when James felt comfortable enough to leave Sirius and Madeline alone

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  IT WAS NEARING the end of August when James felt comfortable enough to leave Sirius and Madeline alone. It hadn't exactly been on purpose, Euphemia and Fleamont had to go grocery shopping and because James had strange tendencies, he had to go as well.

  Madeline announced it was far too hot to leave the house, and Sirius was still snoring by the time they left, so neither came on the outing. But James wasn't filled with worry at this, as Sirius had long since returned to the boy he knew so often.

  Though, Sirius and Madeline hadn't talked much since the night in the Astronomy Tower. James and Sirius kept themselves busy most days and Madeline was gone over half of the time, visiting Kai who was doing much better. But, of course, when Sirius wandered downstairs to find Madeline sprawled across the sofa all alone he said something.

  "Where's Prongs?"

  "Shopping with my parents," Madeline responded, not removing her arm from overtop of her eyes. "He couldn't wake you up."

  "Yeah, I have a shite headache," Sirius grumbled, rubbing the heels of his hands into his eyes.

  "You and James have got to be more discreet." Sirius' eyes widened as Madeline hopped up from the couch, wandering back into the kitchen. "I mean, Mum and Dad haven't caught you because they've been busy, but if you're going to go out drinking multiple times a week, at least learn how to do it properly."

  Sirius was still stuck in shock but managed to catch the bottle of water Madeline tossed at him.

  "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies."

  "You're quite irritable in the morning, aren't you?"

  "It's not the morning, it's 1 in the afternoon."

  Sirius waved her off, jumping over the back of the couch and settling down into it. "So, what are we doing today?"

  "We aren't doing anything."

  "Oh, come on Mads, I know you want to spend time with me."

  "You're quite cocky for a bloke with the imprint of my bathroom tiles on his cheek."

  Sirius fell silent as he ran a hand across his cheek, feeling the diamond pattern stamped into his skin.

  "Hey. . . can I ask you something?" Madeline questioned, walking around the couch and gently sitting beside the boy. "Well, two somethings."

  "You're going to ask no matter what."

  "Yeah, that's true," Madeline sighed, pulling her feet into the sofa before turning herself to face the boy, "Is it. . . bad to break up with someone in a letter?"

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