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chapter forty-six; The Boys Are Back
I'm emotionally invested in this. "

  SIRIUS BLACK PANICKED slightly when he heard footsteps growing gradually louder, he was trapped so he'd get in trouble no matter what but he knew a cigarette would be worse than being out past curfew

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  SIRIUS BLACK PANICKED slightly when he heard footsteps growing gradually louder, he was trapped so he'd get in trouble no matter what but he knew a cigarette would be worse than being out past curfew. He dropped it on the ground, stomping on it quickly, and turning to face whatever professor had come to reprimand him, only to find Madeline and James Potter snickering.

  "Damn," Sirius cursed under his breath, lifting his foot and peering at the squashed cigarette, "One of you owes me."

  "You're the one who stomped it out," Madeline laughed.

  "You two scared me!" Sirius defended, paying full attention to his company for the first time, "You two— you're not— I mean, unless you've teamed up to shove me off the tower—"

  "How'd he know?"

  "Too clever."

  "We simply must do better."

  Sirius stared at the twins with half-smile.

  "James decided to stop being a twat," Madeline explained, receiving no disagreement from James, "It was a real film moment, lots of emotions and honesty, blah, blah, blah."

  "But, uh," James cleared his throat loudly, "Well, I was a twat for what I did to Maddie— but I'm sort of just a huge dickhead for what I did to you."

  "Those are, basically, the same thing," Madeline said with scrunched brows.

  "They're different," Sirius defended, making the brunette raise her hands in defeat.

  "You're my best mate," James continued, undeterred, "I can't believe I almost screwed that up— I don't know what I'd do without you. I mean, really, without you. I trust you with my life, Padfoot, I'm sorry I didn't trust you with Mads. And that it made you two. . . hide it and breakup and then I made everyone feel like shit—"

  James stopped abruptly as Sirius collided with him in a hug. And all James could do was clap his arms around Sirius tightly, trying to hug him with half as much force.

  "I love you, mate," Sirius said tightly, holding back tears, "And I'm sorry for lying."

  "I love you, too," James said, pulling away but keeping one arm strongly on Sirius' shoulder, "Forgive you, mate."

  A sniffle alerted the boys, both of them turning to Madeline quickly. She was smiling softly, though this morphed into a laugh as their eyes were on her— she was crying. Not fully sobbing, just emotions through the rough she couldn't hold them back.

  "I think Mads has gone soft on us," James announced.

  "Oh, shut it," Madeline said, walking towards the boys and hugging both of them.

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