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"Yo man because of you we were going to be late for sure" I said walking into the school not minding all the stares coming at me cuz I'm already used to it. "How come you are so excited for school so unlike you man or getting suspended from school and locked up made you miss it hehheheheheh" hoseok said strapping his arm around my shoulder.

I shrugged saying " yeah maybe that's why whatever"

'Sniff' hmm what is this smell? " hobi do you smell something sweet?" I asked. " um no man I smell nothing. You and your over sensitive nose maybe you're smelling the dessert for lunch hhhhhhhh" he said laughing like an idiot "come on I'm being serious here dickhead "
"then what is the smell like?" he asked a bit serious so I answered him "It's strawberry vanilla smell" he bursted into laughter and said " see man you're just hungry hhhhhhhh"

I threw his arm from around my shoulder and walked away leaving him still laughing. 'I feel like I know this smell but from where?'








Hello lovely and beautiful people around the world <3 

Thanks for getting interested in this story of mine .. As you can see this is my first time writing I'm kinda nervous and really don't know where this story will lead at the end but OH WELL WHY NOT TRY XDXD 

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