Ch 05

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Pic of Alph of Crystal Moon Jeon Jungmyung and Luna of Crystal Moon Jeon Hye-bin, Jungkook's parents.

Jungkook's POV

Now I'm at my last class of the day and still didn't receive anything ... I keep looking at my phone that's laying on the disk in front of me 'why nothing till now' I sighed in annoyance I don't like waiting I'm not a patient person to begin with but I'm even more impatient now 'what is this dude making me feel ...I'm getting weird' *Ding Dong* I got up in a hurry taking my things that I didn't even open the whole class and not giving two shits for the teacher that's screaming at me when I got out from class not caring he finished or not. I look around in the crowded ally maybe I will see him 'UGH why is this fucking school so big' I kept looking around but to no vain I won't find him, I looked again at my phone maybe I will get a message now.

"Hey man" hobi said coming towards me "Why you look like a cat stool your favorite food" he chuckled. I sighed and just started walking to my locker, I put my things in it and closed it harshly "woho hold your horses kook you gonna break it, Alpha wasn't joking when he said you needed anger management treatment" he said sarcastically and laughed "look man I'm not in the mood for your shit let's just go" but I really don't know why I'm feeling this way about a dude I ruffled my hair angrily "UGGGHHHHHHHHH" I felt hobi's arm on my shoulder "kook what's wrong for real?" I looked at him "I don't know man I just met that person and I can't stop thinking about them" he looked at me seriously "Is it your mate ? Did you feel it already since it's just a month and you will be off age?" now that he reminded me of this mating thing that we have I really shouldn't be feeling this way towards taehyung, towards a human "No, I feel nothing of the sort and I'm talking about a human"

"You know kook how this works, you can have all the flings you want with humans but you can never get serious with them .. you know it too damn well, we and humans can't happen and never will"

"I know that already ... but I'm just's just weird how I feel and we just met" He sighed deeply "maybe it's just a whim and will disappear in no time don't overthink it okay and it's just a matter of time and you will find your mate and you will know my words are right .... let's go home now " he patted my head and started walking, I took a deep breath and started walking after him 'I hope what he said is true and what I'm feeling now is just a whim ... yeah yeah just a whim'.

I stopped in front of hobi's house and he got out but before closing the door he looked at me "Don't overthink things kook, see you tomorrow" he closed the door and dashed to his house. I took my phone out of my pocket and there were still nothing 'Should I just send him a message myself maybe he forgot that I'm his partner or he's just shy'  I took a deep breath before I opened his contact number and clicked on send a message.

Hey taehyung this is jungkook. I was wondering about the art assignment when should we start in it since we have only a week to finish.

I kept looking at my message almost face-balming myself for sounding so geeky what the hell am I nervous for uggggghhh *tik* I looked at my phone and that was it I pressed send by mistake I droped my phone my lap and hide my face in my hands 'I'm fucking retarded' I sighed for the hundredth time today and just started my car and went off to my house.

"Mom, dad I'm home" I said entering the kitchen "Oh bunny welcome home, come and help me to finish making dinner yeah?" I left my bag on the floor next to the door and went to help her as we were about to finish dad came "Oh kook you are back" he smiled at me and so did I, even though dad is so strict but that's all for my own good to be a good ruler of the pack other than that he really treat me well and shows me lots of love.

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