Ch 28

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Jungkook's POV

I stared up at the ceiling as I layed on the hospital bed. It's been a week since taehyung's cousin incident, taehyung's parents were livid to know what had happened to taehyung and were really shocked. My dad said that he got to a final punishment after talking it over with the Elders, and that is to banish that bastard and his family from here and they shall never return. It was relieving that taehyung won't see that bastard again but I still see that the punishment was easy, as long as he ain't getting near taehyung again that's all it matters. My dad comes by often since that talk and I'm tolerating his presence in the room. I talked to him about the time when my wolf got in more control and he said he heard about going crazy with rage and get in control of the host but they never go rouge, they could take over your body for a period of time. I even talked to him about jimin who is now also my beta even though I have hoseok hyung, not talking about the incident with the both of them since it wasn't known by anyone yet, he said that I could choose between them or have them both as his BETAs since it won't be a problem ... well I don't see why not too it will be advantageous for the pack, work will be divided on the three of us and I will have more time with tae.

I sat up and hopped from the bed and started pacing the room. It's killing me that I can't do anything for taehyung in the situation, he needs to come back to me. My parents accepted us, we don't need to worry about them hating on us ... I need to tell him that he is my mate that he doesn't need to run from his feelings or feel bad for my mate because he is my mate. I kicked a chair out of my way watching it crash into pieces 'I should have told him from the beginning ..  I shouldn't have waited' I paced back and forth in the small room, the heart monitor still peeping reminding me of the unchanged state that my mate has been in for almost 2 months now. "What happened?" a nurse came in rushing looking between me and taehyung and then the chair, she sighed and gave me a tired look "You can't keep breaking the furniture or else we will hqve to escort you out of the hospital" she warned me again, I've heard that a million times already "Then stop putting more in here" I growled at her, she rolled her eyes and pointed her finger at me "Just stop" she went out leaving the door open, I stomped to the door and slammed shut "And quit slamming the door" she yelled from down the hall 'Damn she is worse than my mother'. I rested my back on the door closing my eyes. I feel suffocated in this small room but I will never leave. I looked at tae, what can I do? How do I wake him up?. I walked to his side and kneeled down holding his hand in mine 'Dear moon goddess and spirits help me. You matched us together, please tell me what can I do to save him' I was begging and begging and I will do more if I have to as long as he returns to me "Please help him ..  I can't live without him" words started to get caught in my throat as my tears started to roll down "Don't take him away from me ... We haven't got to know each other more, get into our first argument as a couple ... God I didn't even tell him that he was my mate .. please" I got up and sat on the side of the bed I layed my head in his chest as more tears rolled down my face.


I snapped my head to the heart monitor as it had it's first irregular beat but as soon as it did it went back to it's normal beeping. I frowned looking back at taehyung, the doctors told me that this might happen every once in a while and it could mean lots of things. If the patient is having a dream or he is responding while you talk to him. But it never happened before, this was the first time, everyone tried to talk to him but to no avail till now. "Taehyung?" I said but there was nothing, I reached my other hand and touched his hair slightly "My parents knows about us ... You don't know yet but you are my mate" I laughed bitterly at the time I had waisted not being together as mates "Taehyung please come back to me ... To us, your family and friends are waiting for you, Mr and Mrs Kim are devastated .. they are broken tae and so do I. I will never let anyone touch you again, I want to move on together and seek our future" my thumb caressed his bottom lip "You know what... I will always stay here with you no matter what even if you don't wake up, only ready to leave whenever you are" I bent down closer to his face that our noses touched "Do you know why baby?" I pressed my lips to his feeling the sparks between us before I pulled back "Because I love you tae" I whispered resting my forehead on his and closing my eyes, finally getting in terms with situation. I felt something on my hand so looked down but it was nothing, only his still hand that I was holding, then it happened, his hand twitched in mine. My heart jumped at the sight as my eyes widened 'Please don't let this be my hallucination' again I watched as his fingers weakly curled around mine, I couldn't stop staring at his hand. Is this really happening?

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