Ch 01

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The sky is very blue today and very clear it's so beautiful.. but exactly where am I ?? I was laying on the grass I looked around I was in front of a lake and behind me was a forest . So maybe i took a nap after taking a walk in the forest. I went back to relaxing on the grass it felt comfortable but all of the sudden I heard screams and loud noises coming from the forest I got up to see what's happening when I found a wolf running towards me ... why am i not scared?? I wanna move my body but I can't what's happening??? the wolf reached me and just stood in front of me in a protecting stance and looked at me and I heard his voice in my head 'Don't worry tae no one will touch you over my dead body I will protect you no matter what' . But who are you?

Now the forest was on fire and the screams were getting louder and I started to panic when I saw a group of wolves coming at us.. they were big and looked evil the wolf that spoke to me started growling loudly in attempt to scare the other wolves but they didn't stop and now one of them was coming at us in full speed and this is when I knew shit is about to happen.




"Taeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wake up or you going to be late for your first day at school" I shot up awake hearing my mom, sweat was all over my face and body I was panting like I was running a marathon .. what the hell was that!! I need to stop reading history books before bed that's for sure. "Okay mom I'm awake now" I shouted back so she can hear me from down stairs.

I got out of bed to wash up and see what to wear for my first day at school .. oh well it's not my first day at school in general it's my first day at Crystal Moon high. I'm finally back to my home town after years of being faraway from my best friends now I will finally have normal school life with my besties.

Oh how rude of me I need to introduce myself, I'm Kim taehyung I used to live here in busan but had to move when I was 9 years old to daegu for safety measures ... you gonna ask what is it huh! well I'm a human born of werewolf parents a FUCKING HUMAN... Can you imagine being born as a human when your own kind's worst enemy is humans .. saying worst enemy is a bit harsh it's just in the past they used to kill werewolves thinking that we are against the nature and dangerous for the human kind and that's why we are living hiding among humans ... see what I'm talking about I don't even know where I stand a human or a werewolf.... but sure thing I am a human and that's the reason why me and my family moved from our pack 8 years ago for my own good and safety cuz not all the wolves are accepting humans some still see humans as their soul enemy.

But anyways who cares I'm back now ... well no technically Yes I'm back to busan but not back to our pack house but at least I can see my childhood besties whenever I want <3 . 

I washed up and wore my clothes I chose to be simple I wore a white T-shirt and i tugged it into a black loose pants put on a denim jacket and finished my look with a black and white sandals ... I don't like fitted clothes that much so most of my clothes is loose and I love my feet to be comfortable in sandals or slippers . I went downstairs to have breakfast with mom and dad "tae baby I made you your favorite breakfast since it's your first day at school" mom said putting a pile of pancakes in the middle of the dinning table and cereal, milk and orange juice. "Thanks mom" I started eating right away devouring the deliciousness "Good morning son" dad said setting down "morning dad" I said while food still in my mouth I know it's kinda rude but I can't help it food is so yummy. I heard dad and mom chuckling at me "So I see you are excited to go to high school with jimin and yoongi huh?" dad said smiling at me I smiled back nodding my head in reply .

"I'm happy to see you happy son..enjoy it to the fullest" I  felt touched with his words it took me more than 2 years to convince my parents to come back to Busan back with my childhood friends and best friends . I heard a sound of car engine and honking "that must be yoongi and jimin I gotta go see ya" I said finishing off my glass of milk "take care of yourself tae" mom said giving me a crushing hug and she didn't let go of me till dad pulled her off and I took the chance to run out of the house and entered yoongi's car taking a seat at the back " hey guys" I greeted them but there were no reply ..?? I looked at them closely jimin was looking outside of the window and yoongi kinda looked like he was mad at something " guys... did you have a fight?" 

And of course no answer as usual " Okay bastards just act like this even though it's finally our first day at school together .. go ahead and ruin it" I said sulking knowing it would work on them like magic "Oh tae I'm really sorry don't be sad .. of course we don't want to ruin our reunion RIGHT YOONGI" jimin said emphasizing the last part "Yeah yeah sure" yoongi said starting the car engine again and drove off to school.

We reached the school and wooow it sure is huge ... no wonder since it's owned by the pack . This school is a joint school for wolves and humans since us wolves hide our identities since long ago to avoid unnecessary wars cuz we really mean no harm to humans but they don't understand that ... Oh here I'm blabbing about US WOLVES when I'm a failed project of a wolf and just came out as a human.
Whatever who cares anymore it's not like I can change my fate ... "Tae you have to go to the secretary office to take your schedule and materials come on I will take you there and then I can give a tour around the school" jimin said cutting my train of thoughts "oh okay thanks jimin.. Yoongi are you coming with us?" I asked cuz I felt that yoongi wasn't really in the mood for anything "nah I will head to my class you two have fun see you at lunch" he said walking away "yeah see ya" I waved to him as if he could see me with his back .

I walked with Jimin to the secretary office "Hello, I'm the new transferred student, Kim Taehyung" I greeted an old lady that sat on the disk checking some files "oh hello taehyung I was waiting for your arrival. Welcome to Crystal Moon high, I hope you enjoy your high school life here" she greeted me with a bright smile and she seems like a nice person "Thank you so much, I came to take my schedule and materials for the classes" to said with a smile she is looking at me nodding here head "Yes just a second" She opened her disk drawer and pulled out a piece of paper and a few books " Here you go this is your schedule and school books in the schedule you will find where each class will be in which room. You can take a tour around the school to know all the rooms so you won't be late to any of your classes" she said giving me the things " thank you my friend will show me around thanks again" I said leaving the office and jimin was waiting outside for me . He kinda looked dazed off or thinking about something " Yoongi" I said looking at him and from how he looked at me and then he looked at the floor I knew I was right "So you gonna tell me what happened?" He looked at me in hesitation "I don't know if I should tell you this tae maybe Yoongi will get even mad if he found out that I told you" I started to worry it's seems like something big did happen " Jimin I'm your best friend and I need to know if something is wrong with Yoongi" jimin's eyes soften from my words and nodded "Yeah you are right and it won't stay hidden for long I believe.... You know that us wolves find our mates after we turn 18 " jimin said and I got really happy "Yoongi found his mate" I said in excitement " Yeah he did in the same day if his birthday few months ago ... But she died a month after that" did I hear him right she is dead " What!!" I said in a loud voice " Sheesh keep it down" jimin said looking around if someone was listening to us " OMG Yoongi must feel devastated .. why did this have to happen to him" I said my eyes start to tear up " The problem is that yoongi didn't show any emotions since she died and told no one about her identity ... He didn't even mate her" jimin said in low sad tone " Why?" I asked " He doesn't answer anyone's questions about it saying that this is his private life and nobody need to know it ... And that's exactly why we fought today as well"

I nodded my head in understanding of course he wouldn't want to talk about this harsh turn of events after all him and his wolf must be crushed to lose their mate. " Tae don't show that I told you so we won't hurt his feelings more .. at least not now I know he will notice with time that I already told you but you know Yoongi doesn't like getting comforted by anyone" Jimin said worry and sadness washing his face " don't worry chim I won't" he pated me on my shoulder and started walking in front of me so I knew that he will show me around the school now but we just aren't in the right mind for normal chat after this conversation.

We arrived at the lockers so I can put my things in my locker "so what class do you have first?" I grabbed the paper that have my schedule "Ouch" I hurt my finger on the paper " Watch out it's a new paper that's why you got cut " jimin said handing me a tissue from his bag before taking the paper to see which room I'm in " so room 3A is where your first class let's go I will show you the other rooms and then will see you to your class mine is the opposite of it" he put his arm around my shoulder and we start walking 'I really hope Yoongi is adapting to his situation well'
So everyone here is your chapter one it is too small I know and I'm sorry I'm not that good at stretching events and all that I just have the important pointers in my head
But I hope you enjoy this one till next time 😘😘
Borahae 💜 💜

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