Ch 32

276 11 2

This chapter was actually written 3 months ago and forgot to post it 🙂🙂 sorry I'm slow and dumb ... But I'm really busy I don't have time to write shit so please bear with me 😭😭😭😭

Taehyung's POV

I couldn't believe the beauty that was in front of me, a breathtaking beautiful lake glistening under the sun and there were nothing but mountains and greenery around us .. I love it. I got out of the car in amazement, I closed my eyes taking a deep breath of the clean nature, taking in all the fresh air of pine and water 'I wanna stay here forever' that's how much I loved this place "I'm taking this as you love it" jungkook interrupted my momentary awe, I looked at him nodding my head and he smiled "How did you find this place?" I asked him softly "That's my parents special place but not anymore since we will use it as our getaway" I smiled sheepishly as he went to the back of the car and grabbed our bags, I smiled thinking about how sweet he has been to me.

I got closer to the lake and took one huge deep breath, this is exactly what I needed, to get away from everything for a while. To be alone with my wonderful crush/hope to be lover, I giggled internally at that. Arms wrapped around my waist, normally I would get startled but those sparkles only him could make me feel them, I rested my back on his chest as I felt his lips on my neck "You're not getting in the water though.. at least not alone" he snickered and I slapped his hand blushing at the indication "I don't think I'm up to swimming in my condition anyways, but looking is just fine" I was able to say with no stutter, talk about improvement "Good, cuz that's all you'll be getting of it, a nice view" he whispered the last part in my ear causing shivers to run down my spine. We sat down in front of the lake, cool breeze was hitting us and it was calming and relaxing 'maybe this is a good time to have THE TALK' I thought before I took a deep breath "So kookie/tae" we both said at the same time making us giggle, seems like both of us were thinking the same thing "You go first" he said with a smile, I shook my head "No no it's okay you go first" now that we get to it I'm starting to feel nervous "I insist .. maybe what you will say would give me more confidence" he said with pleading eyes like he was more nervous than me, I held his hand and nodded with a smile.

"So umm .. I don't know from where to start this ..... maybe I should start from the first time I laid my eyes on you" I was nervous and it was showing and jungkook noticed it so he squeezed my hand a bit to encourage me "Don't laugh but art class wasn't the first time I saw you" his eyes got wide as he was surprised I giggled "Yes ... It was the morning of that day that I saw you from my class window" I was brought back to that memory where I was mesmerized by how glowing he was, how different he was, I smiled "You won't believe that I was day dreaming about you the whole day hehehehe" I was getting embarrassed so I was looking anywhere but his face "The minute you entered the art class I couldn't believe it .. you didn't look like the type to be in this class and I was right alpha was punishing you.... I thank him very much for that cuz we wouldn't have crossed passes if you didn't attend that class" I looked down to our connected hands " It didn't take much for me to realize that it wasn't a passing crush and I will get over it soon ... I fell in love the very first second I laid my eyes on you" I could feel my eyes water "And that was crushed down when I knew you were a wolf and the next ruler of our pack ...
I wished we never met,
never knew you,
wished it was all a dream and would vanish when I wake up,
wished our passes never crossed, I wished I never came back" my tears started to go down my face but I didn't want him to see them so I kept my head low "I wanted to leave once again but this time it would have been for good but jimin didn't let me and he even told me he would help me make you fall for me" my voice was shaking and it seem like jungkook noticed so he was now drawing circles with his thumb on my hand, I smiled at the small gesture "I didn't want to get between you and your mate, between you and your family and the pack... I didn't want to steal away your future as the next alpha" I held his hand tight "But it seems like I couldn't fight my feelings .. they were that strong and you liking me back didn't help much... So I started to be selfish, wanting you to love me, hug me, kiss me... I wanted that all so I couldn't fight anymore" I looked up at him and I could see his expression turn into shock when he saw my tear filled face "and this accident made me more selfish ... I love you and you love me too, so even if it all changes after you find your mate, I don't care at least I will have sometime with you .... but I know after you ... there will be no other" I was catching my breath hard cuz it felt like I was talking nonstop without taking a breath for a while. I looked in his eyes that was filled with emotions that I know matched mine and cupped his face into my hands "I love you Jeon jungkookie" I closed my eyes as more tears kept falling down my face and kissed him a light kiss. I finally said it there is no backing down now.

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