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Taehyung's POV

Eyes open staring at the ceiling, it's been 30 minutes since I've been like this too nervous to get up and put on my clothes knowing that I can't stay at home longer than this it's been a week since that time, not showing up and ignoring his calls and texts that blew my phone the past week. but I was glad that I was in that state that my parents didn't notice how crushed I was, I wouldn't have gone to school even if my body was alright but then they would have asked hundreds of questions so THANK GOD. *KNOCK KNOCK* I hear my door " Come in" I thought it was mom but it was chim "Hey taetae" he came and lied next to me on the bed "So are you ready for school ... you know you can't fake it more than 2 days after it" jimin knowing my condition and all so he was right and I have been faking it for 2 days now "Yeah I know I will go .... can you pick something for me to wear till I wash up" I said getting up lazily from the bed "Sure but don't come at me if I made you too sexy for school" he jumped towards my closet while looking me in the eye which I narrowed at his words "Okay Okay I won't pick it too sexy ... just a bit sexy" I rolled my eyes not caring anymore he will do whatever he wants after all.

After shower I went out to a mad jimin "What is wrong with you man?" I laughed at his funny face "I'm like this cuz you don't have a fucking tight jeans that shows your gorgeous ass ... I mean I know it's not hidden even in the loose pants you have PUT STILL and why don't you have a ripped jeans like for real how old are you" he complained hands going in the air like a 5 year old kid and voice going all cute "First I like comfortable clothes more than anything, second I don't like ripped jeans and it doesn't have to do with age ,last yoongi would have loved seeing you acting like a cute little kid" I see his cheeks flushing "Shut up and wear these" I see him hold a light colored jean with a dark blue line on the sides and a black shirt with white collar that have a wide view on all my neck and a bit of my shoulders and have no buttons what so ever "You only wore this once and because all the looks you got you never wore it again ... it's super cute and sexy on you tae" I took them out of his hands knowing that there will be no way changing his mind ,I sighed in defeat and went to change real quick.

Jimin also did my hair and put too much attention to which earrings to wear, one ear with two ring earrings and the other ear with a dangling one "All done" he looked at me satisfied "We really need to get you a doll or something I'm suffering" he hit me on my shoulder acting all offended "How dare you ... I don't need a doll I have you after all" and laughed which I did as well but we stopped hearing a car horn outside the house "That must be yoongs let's go". We went down to the kitchen I took a toast to eat we don't have time for breakfast thanks to jimin that kept doing my hair for an hour till he was satisfied "Taehyung wait I will make you a sandwich a toast is not enough" I gave mom a hug "No mom I don't want to be late I will have more on lunch" I kissed her goodbye and left with jimin. our ride to school was as always jimin singing his lungs out and yoongi complaining and telling him to stop and me laughing my ass at the back seat, once we arrived to school I was thinking about how I'm gonna face jungkook "Hey I already told him you were sick so don't worry about not answering his calls and texts just act normal" jimin said knowing exactly what I'm thinking, I sighed "Yeah you are right ... and what I'm feeling is one sided anyways" I checked my hair in the mirror of the car and got out walking to the entrance hearing chim and yoongs behind me I took a deep breath and entered but what was surprising that not a lot of people were around "That's weird" I said to myself knowing these two aren't going to pay attention from this point cuz they are quarrelling like kids everyday "Hey tae we are going to check something in the library first so you go ahead of us" I nodded and heard them back at it again both of them saying they were right about something 'It must be a book that both of them have read' I went my way to my locker when I started to get closer I heard a fight as I was getting closer I saw a crowd and two guys are hitting each other badly like crazy oh oh they're getting closer and hitting people in their way 'I better get away I'm not good with fights' but before I take a step I saw the face of one of the two people 'oh my God that's jungkook' I was shocked that I didn't notice how close I got to the fight until jungkook was kicked in his stomach losing his balance and falling on top of me, I always loved how warm his body is but now he is fully on top of me and he is heavy I grunted in pain "Ughh" it was hard breathing under him "Hey man get up you gonna kill him with your weight" I heard a familiar voice and as I looked at the person who held jungkook to get him off me, it was hoseok he pent to me and extended his hand to help me up and I took it gladly "Hey man are you okay?" He asked face looks concerned I smiled at him and I noticed that jungkook still giving me his back "Yeah, I'm fine hehehe didn't thought the first thing will happen to me is being squished by jungkook after missing school for a week" I said giggling a bit and to my surprise jungkook turned really fast with an amused and shocked face and I don't know why ....  "T..tae"

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