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I forgot to attach Seokjin's Dad and Mom pic .... Well here they are and yes Dr. Kim in last Ch. is Kim jiseok, Seokjin's dad <3

Jungkook's POV

Never thought in a million years I would see this side of taehyung ... Sure he gets angry like any of us but this ... This was far beyond my imagination. I'm still looking at the way that tae just went and Yoongi followed him without saying a word to us "Well... That sure surprised me" I heard hoseok say from behind me so I turned around to look at him "Thank you for holding back" I said taking a seat next to him he just shrugged "I would never hurt taehyung he is just worried about his friend .... Plus he is your mate and I don't wanna die just yet" he said chuckling the last part and I'm just glad he can joke in this situation. He got up and patted my shoulder "I'm going for a run .... a very long and needed one" he started walking away without me replying I kept looking his way till he vanished from my sight 'Maybe I will have a look at the durf before leaving' I got up and went to the room where he is at, I opened the door and got closer to his bed "Hey jimin, are you really gonna stay lied down running away from your problems?" I said as if he was gonna answer me but he obviously won't "You know I can't even talk to tae because the only thing on his mind is you... Hell hee even ignored me yesterday like I don't exist" I sighed loudly rubbing my face with both my hands "You also need to train for your new earned position ... BETA" I took one last look on him before heading out deciding to go to Uncle yunho and report what happened.

I arrived at Uncle yunho's house and told him about everything that happened with all the details "Now this is a first" he said holding his chin "I never heard of someone hosting two wolves and it's complicated that each wolf has his own mate"

"Yeah it is ... but there's something more important that I want to tell you, Jimin's second wolf is also my BETA even though I have hoseok ... Is that even possible or hoseok lost his position as the BETA?" I asked as I was concerned about this matter the most "Well this occurred before with your father, he also had two BETAs" that was news for me since I never heard of this before and I guess uncle yunho understood from my expression "Yes you didn't know about it cuz that was even before your father became the ALPHA .... that person declined the position of the BETA saying it was too much of a hassle ... Even though he was chosen first by the moon goddess... Needn't to worry everything will be solved by the moon goddess' will" he rested his back on his chair nodding his head, I was about to excuse myself when Jaejoong hyung entered with a tray of cookies and coffee "Have some before you leave" he said putting the tray on the desk and went to set on Uncle's lap, they are always like this showing their love with no care to whoever is present "So how is it going with tae?" He asked taking a sip of his coffee and I just sighed lowering my head "I can't even talk to him these days ... He even ignored me yesterday but I can't blame him since jimin is his best friend" I said looking down on my hand that's holding into an uneaten cookie "Oh baby don't be sad I know tae will talk to you soon ... Just give him some time he must be really sad about his friend" Jaejoong hyung said but uncle yunho just sighed "Just don't waste more time ... You still need to tell your parents soon, be on his side no matter what ... I know that hoseok is your best friend but don't interfere with his situation" I know what he said is true but hoseok is my best friend who shared everything with me "Understood?" He said a bit louder making his point clear , I just nodded my head and didn't bother looking at him.I stuffed the cookie inside my mouth and got up "I will go now ... Maybe I will catch one class before lunch break".... and maybe I can try and talk to taehyung.

I arrived at school as the bell to lunch was ringing I took a deep breath trying to sniff tae up and I started walking following his smell and I was getting so close and I turned right at the corridor to the bathroom when I just bumped into someone "Oh jungkook why are you in a hurry man" it was namjoon hyung "Sorry hyung I need to go find someone" I was about to pass him by when he held my shoulder "But it's lunch time ... Just do that later let's go" I tried to resist but he already spun me around putting his arm around my shoulder dragging me with him, I sighed closing my eyes giving up ... For now. When we arrived to the cafeteria everyone from our group of friends were there but Jin hyung "Hey hyung where's Jin hyung?" I asked after we took our seats me next to a sulking hoseok and namjoon that got startled by my question in front of me "Uh .. he isn't feeling well ... So he will skip lunch" he looked around not looking me in the eye .. suspicious but maybe they fought or something and don't wanna talk about it. I put my hand on hoseok's shoulder to get his attention "Hey man ... How are you feeling?" He looked my way and just gave me a sad smile "How do you think I'm feeling?" he said bitterly playing with his untouched food on the tray in front of him, I sighed "You know I can't have you starving yourself from sadness ... When he wakes up you have to be strong to fight for him" he dropped his fork and hid his face with his hands "I wish ... That I never fell for him ... I wish it was only the bond that pulled me to him" I saw tears running down his hands and this when I panicked this is the first time hoseok cried in public, he doesn't like to show his soft side saying it's weakness "Letter go man" I held him up by his shoulders and out of the cafeteria as fast as I could ignoring namjoon's call after us.

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