Ch 25

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No one's POV

Jungkook was beating himself for not throwing Liza off his back right away and witnessing how sad taehyung's features had become 'Fuck I should have thrown her and ran after him' he thought but then he looked at his watch and class was about to end so he decided to search for tae and apologize. But something was not settling inside jungkook and he just can't put his finger on it but he got nervous when a certain scent hit him strongly and in a strange way 'Tae'

Heavy breathing and fast footsteps were echoing in the hallway untill it reached where it was headed. The classroom door was thrown open revealing the person who was in a hurry to arrive "Mr. Jung what do you think you are doing interru–" before the teacher could continue he noticed the state that hoseok's hands and shirt were in, covered in blood, and so did jungkook ... How can he not when it's his beloved's blood that's on hoseok's body. Jungkook rushed to hoseok who was panicking and it's showing on his face "Hoseok ... What happened?" Jungkook asked afraid of the answer "You ne-need to come with..." he didn't finish and just draged his friend out of class in a hurry and from how hoseok acted jungkook was in a terrified state thinking of what might have happened to tae and why his blood was all over hoseok. They got into the car and hoseok was driving as fast as possible "I was going back to my. .. room from the kitchen and he wa- he was laying there on the floor .... In a pool of his blood" hoseok said as he was driving and jungkook was like he got struck by lightning he only utter one question "How is he?" Hoseok shook his head "I don't know ... I carried him to the hospital ... And came here for you" worried for he doesn't know what actually happened to taehyung or how he is right now.

They arrived to the hospital and jungkook was running at his fastest following his mate's scent that was so strong in the hospital now 'Tae .. tae' he took a right turn at the end of the corridor and got to the room that the smell was the strongest, taehyung's blood was heavy in the air as it seeped through the door, he reclutantly opened the door and he was met with a sight that almost brought him down to his feet. "Tae.." his voice was lower than a whisper. There layed his beloved eyes closed, with a white bandage around his head and a tube was hanging from his delicate mouth but what scared jungkook the most is how taehyung's sun kissed skin has turned into pale. "I'm sorry to inform you Taehyung has lost a lot of blood and has hit his head several times that caused him concision ... He is in a coma" doctor Kim was telling taehyung's parents who crashed down once they heard it but it couldn't compare to how jungkook was feeling right now, he felt like his life was taken away from him ... There was no meaning of living life if taehyung wasn't in it. His steps were halting towards his love, heart was torn to pieces "Taehyung" he called but nothing, jungkook reached and touched his face, he was so cold "Tae please, I'm here" he wanted to see taehyung's beautiful eyes, wanted taehyung to tell him that he is fine that he was going to go home with him "Taehyung" a bit louder "TAEHYUNG" he even shouted but there was no response.

"It's not going to work, nothing works" a tear filled voice made jungkook snap his head towards it and it was jimin sitting down on the chair next to taehyung tears streaming down his face "If only I was with him ..." his hold tightened on taehyung's hand and rested his head over it crying his heart out but then all of the sudden he snapped his head towards hoseok "You ... You were there YOU COULD HAVE STOPPED IT" he got up and was about to jump at hoseok but Yoongi held him back "Relax jimin" Yoongi whispered into jimin's ear and it didn't take a second before jimin went limp in his hold and carried him to the sofa in the room and layed him down "I'm sorry ... I really am" hoseok was also beating himself down.... Even though it wasn't anyone's fault. Jungkook couldn't hear anything anymore all he wanted is for his mate to wake up "Please taehyung ... Please" his tears started to go down his cheek and he broke down next to the hospital bed holding taehyung's hand not carrying if he was crying like a baby in front of his pack members.

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