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Jungkook's POV

Concentration was one of my best points but waking up this morning I couldn't concentrate on anything. I was sitting at the table my dad was saying that he was coming to see me at my first game this tournament, I just nodded and grunted an answer by force which they looked at me weirdly and looked at each other. I saw mom coming closer to me "Jungkook baby are you alright?" She said extending her hand to my face to feel it "Oh my God you are burning up" I looked at her "Uh no no I'm not don't worry" I removed her hand gently and stood up heading back to my room for another cold shower since the first one's affect didn't last long. I know too well the cause of my burning body, I just wanna run to taehyung and mold my body to his and to never leave his side ever.

"Jungkook I don't think it's a good idea to go to school today" mom was right at my heel "No can do" I forced a smile before entering my bathroom and letting the cold water run down my body feeling a temporary relief knowing that the heat will come back once I step out. My mind go back to yesterday when I had him in my arms buried to my chest I didn't want to let go. A growl ripped out of my chest it was already too much for my wolf, I step out of the cold water wrapping myself with a towel looking in the mirror to find my bright yellow eyes glowing back at me "Ugh why this always have to happen to me" I closed my eyes trying my best to tame my wolf and return my eyes back to its normal color but to no avail.

As I was finishing dressing up I heard hobi's car so I grabbed my things and put my glasses on getting downstairs "I will see you tonight then" I shouted before closing the door and got into the car "Hey" I said unbothered to even look at hobi who looked at me weirdly "what's up with that glasses man" I took them off and looked at him huffing in annoyance "they won't change back" I said putting the glasses back on "I swear I will break someone's nose if they try make me take it off" he just laughed "Chill man it's okay they won't" I looked at him really pissed now "Laughing ... You have a death wi- now that I think about it why aren't you feeling anything" I said reaching my hand to his shoulder but snatched back right away "Man you are like on fire " he was literally burning up more than me but kept a cool facade, he looked at me "How many full moons do you I think I had to fight the temptation of biting him and make him mine ... But luckily this is the last and I definitely won't ruin it" I looked at him in awe he looked so strong that I admired him even more.

Once we arrived to school all of the students were cheering for us and wishing us all the best in today's match but all I ever do was growl whenever someone neared me "Calm down man" hoseok put his arm around my shoulder and smiled at everyone surrounding us "I can't man I'm just so pis-" I was cut off when I smelled the sweetest smile on Earth 'MINE' my wolf said in joy. I was pushing my way through everyone hunting my delicious mate, I saw him from afar and tried to fasten my pace to reach him before he go into school building but couldn't since a strong grip held me back which I knew belongs to hoseok so I only growled at him and truly tried my best not to tear him up to pieces as my wolf wished, I see him taking a step back "I know what you are going through but you can't do it this way man" I hear him, he himself fighting it just like me or even worse the hunger in his eyes shows it too well. "You are going crazy just like me man" I said with a smirk on my face happy that I'm not the only one suffering "Yeah as much as I want to run to him ... I can't do that so I'm just putting my wolf on a damn tight ass leash" he is damn strong I have to say.

Suddenly I felt a hand slid down my shoulder and a body pressed to mine which wasn't the body that I yearn for, I quickly distance myself feeling disgusted "Lisa" I held my wolf back from growling at her "Hey baby" she said sweetly and I grimaced when she put her hand on my chest which I removed right away not helping how roughly I held it "I thought I made myself clear that night" remembering what I did before I broke up with her that night made my stomach flip "But koo-" I threw her hand harshly cutting her off "We are done Lisa" I said lowly but it was enough for her and the people gathered around us to hear she ran away in tears but I could care less at least now everyone in school will know that I ended it with her ... Tae as well.

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