Ch 26

261 15 7

Jungkook's POV

This is not how I wanted things to be, now I realized how stupid of me to ignore my feelings for so long to overthink things about mates and shit, waisting a minute with him. If I had just told him that I loved him long before I knew he was my mate maybe we would have gotten together earlier ... I would have told him that he was my mate the minute I knew it was him then I would have been glued to him and maybe I would have stopped this ... No I would have stopped this, but that's all wishful thinking. God how I want to hear his voice again, to say my name again, to see him smile at me and his blue eyes shine with happiness. I gently stroked his cheek with my fingers "I miss you tae .. so much" I whispered to him as he was still laying there unresponsive to anything. I groaned as the door got opened but I didn't need to look back and see who it was "What is it hoseok?" my voice was clear that I'm annoyed of the interruption, even though hoseok was the least one to visit and he looks like he was still blaming himself for the condition that tae was in "Umm ... Sorry man I know you want to be left alone .. but it's important" his serious voice got my attention and I looked at him with a frawn "What is it? .. Have a seat first" I ushered him to sit on the chair on the opposite side of tae's bed since I didn't want to let go of tae's hand. He took a deep sigh after he sat down "What is it man .. you are worrying me" I said having enough of the silence.

"I don't think tae fill by himself" I felt fire ignite inside me as I heard those words and my jaw tightened with anger "What do you mean?" I growled at him to explain "Listen .. I was the one who saw tae and picked him up and got him here but .... the first thing that I noticed was that there was a scent clinging to tae and it wasn't familiar" I frowned even more wanting him to continue and he did "It wasn't yours, Yoongi's or his parents scent ... But indeed it was one of the pack members ... I think tae was pushed by one of our pack members" I shot up from the chair not believing what I just heard "WHO IS HE" my wolf was angry that he was now in control of my body and I feel like I wanna go rip off the head of that bastard who did this "Jungkook you need to calm down ... Believe me I feel your anger and I really wanna go find that mother fuckers and kill him myself but we can't" I held him by the collar and pulled him up to me "I don't care about the pack's laws ... I will shrid him to pieces, TELL ME HIS SCENT" I shouted the last part not caring if my voice was loud enough to be heard at the end of the hall. He sighed knowingly that he can't change my mind and I will go birserk till find who did this to my mate "It was a scent of a heavy rainy morning, Like a fog .... I feel like I smelled it recently but I just can't put a face to it" I let go of his collar and sank to the chair holding into tae's hand tightly "I promise you I will kill that bastard ... No one is allowed to hurt you and live" I tried to keep my wolf in ..  this is my fight, my tae.. no mating involved.

"It's not fair, he's gone through so much ... What have he done to deserve this?" I was an emotional mess right now and didn't care if hoseok saw me this way ... He is my best friend and right arm man, he will understand. He got up from his chair and came to my side and patted my back "Come on bro, you know he is stronger this and he will beat it and come back to you and all of us" he said softly and the sadness was shown on his voice which I really appreciate.

Hoseok left right after he asked if he should tell the higher-ups of what he knows but I told him not to ... At least not before we find who he was. I was laying again next to him, well can you blame me I will never leave his side from now on, ever. The door got opened yet again but I didn't feel bothered this time, I don't have the right to, it was Mrs Kim taehyung's mother who looked even more paler than the last time I saw her, eyes red and buffed from all the crying, it was heart breaking seeing her that way. "Hi jungkook" she said as she looked at me with empty eyes "Hey Aunt" she just nodded and went to the the other side of taehyung and looked at his face as tears started to show in her eyes, she sat down and held his hand "Baby .. it's mommy" she carazed his cheek with her other hand "Please baby wake up" tears started rolling down her face like Everytime "Mommy and daddy can't live without you ... Please return to us" I slid out of bed and quickly walked to the door I don't want to break down in front of her, they don't know about my feelings or tae's they think I'm just good friend, and that's fine for now.

H.U.M.A.NTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon