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Jungkook's POV

Today is the fifth day since I saw that midget jump with tae in his hands from the bathroom window and I've been showering him with questions but he won't answer any of my questions.

"Come on jimin can't you just tell us where is taehyung we are just worried" hoseok tried to convince jimin with me today.

"Look here ALPHA I won't tell you shit so save your breath already AND getting horse face here with you won't help ... Heck it only bothered me more" he glared at both of us before going his way, I looked at hoseok and put my hand on his shoulder "Sorry man you had to hear that because of me" he only shrugged his shoulder and both of us walked to our classes.

I just wanna make sure that tae is okay, it's not normal to see your mate being jumped with from the school building there must be something wrong ... And I know one thing for sure that tae's smell was mixed with something else that time but I didn't get the chance to make it out... What the fuck are they hiding.
I attended today's classes with only tae in my head and my agitated wolf is not helping, he wants to take control and search for his mate and wrap himself around him and not letting go .. well I also want that but I need to fix things with tae first ... I want to show him how much I love him first.

I went to the parking lot and got into hoseok's car "Hey man" we pumped fists before he started the car and went our way and I have to say he was awfully silent unlike his usual self .... Ah I remember now.

"So are you ready?" I asked looking at him he nodded and tightened his grip on the steering wheel "I've been waiting for so long and I won't let anything ruin this for me" I just looked outside the window nodding "And nothing should ruin it for you man ... I know you will be happy soon" I said assuring him but can't help the funny feeling that I have inside of me .... Can the mate bond change someone's feelings?

"AHHHHAHHHHHH" I hear a painful scream and it sounded awfully familiar I opened my eyes 'Where am I?' I said getting up from my laying position I looked around 'I know this place' I heard another agonizing scream and it hit me 'Jimin' I hurried up and went after the voice 'Jimin'


Taehyung's POV

"JIMINNNNN" I got up screaming and trying to catch my breath, what the fuck was that I can't remember much of the dream but I feel pain in my chest... I got up from bed in a hurry 'I need to see jimin' I washed up and wore my clothes hurrying down stairs "Mom I will head first ... I need to see ji-min... JIMIN" I was relieved seeing him fine and all "Jiminnie" I hugged him tightly and hid my face into his shoulder not knowing why am I feeling this way over a dream. "Tae what's wrong?" he patted my back soothingly and I just shook my head "Happy Birthday Chimmy" I broke the hug to look him in the eye with a big smile but it was wiped out when I checked his facial expression "Yoongi?" He smiled a sad smile "Vanished ... boff" he said sarcastically and I hated when he does that "Hey stop overthinking shit okay ... You know he feels the same way you do" I held him by the shoulder and shook him a bit, he removed my hands and stepped back a bit and looked at me with the best fake smile he could master but it didn't pass my radar but I know I should let it go this time "Okay let's just go to school yeah" he said going to the door and before I went after him "Mom I'm going, see you at the pack house after school" I shouted and left after hearing her say goodbye.

"I swear to God Tae I'mma kill this dude one day, he kept on fucking bothering me non-stop the past 5 days to know where you are ... Just talk to him and get this shit done with OKAY" Jimin said hitting the steering wheel and shooting daggers at the road and I just mumbled a small 'sorry' before falling into silence again, I guess jimin wants to think about things without any disturbance. When we arrived to the parking lot jimin was more quiet and I was about to talk but I was cut off by him "Tae, go ahead before me please" I looked at jimin "But jimin i-" but I was cut off with his serious stare "Okay... But promise me you will show up at lunchtime" he just gave me a small smile and nodded his head, I got out of the car and headed to the entrance of the school building.

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