Chapter 31

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I sat down on a bench and started to put the books on the table. Addy sat down on the chair in front of me at the front row as usual.

Luckily I had been able to study for the history lesson because the teacher had prepared an unprepared sample that dealt with everything we had been taught during the time at WUC.

When I thought back on that week, I could only see a pair of hazel brown eyes in contrast to dark curls. I had to push him away to get the last questions.

At lunch, lasagna was served, I had never complained about the school food, but on the other hand this was one of the finest private schools in New York so the food must taste just as superior.

Addy and I went towards a round table. I put a piece of the lasagne in my mouth, then I realized how hungry I was. My appetite has not been at its best the last week.

I felt how Addy pushed me lightly at the side, I looked up and saw Christine standing in front of me.

"We missed you the last few days Em. I heard that you got sent home because you f**ked with that public school guy instead of going to the lessons, is that true? " She fluttered with the eyelashes and gave me a wicked broad smile.

Her words got my blood freezing to ice.

"Christine I count to three, if you haven't gone by then I will shove this fork up..." I started before Addy threw her hand over my mouth.

"She's not worth it Em .." Addy said

Christine waved whit her fingers and went to her table.

My appetite was gone again.

"Is that really what people think?" I asked Addy.

"No, this is the first time I have heard about it, but if you take it so badly, more people will believe it. Just ignore her. "

How should I do that, even though her words were hurtful, she was right. I hated Christine, I really hated her.

The last lesson was canceled, good because I wouldn't been able to sit in the same room as the red-haired bitch anyway.

I had three hours before I needed to get Auden from his music lesson so I took the opportunity to go home.

When I came inside the door I noticed that no one was at home, my mother used to be home at this time because she was currently not working. Dad was probably in meeting with his book publisher to make up ideas about the new book he was about to release.

I threw the backpack on my bed, my phone went out of the bag and landed on the floor.

I have to admit I was curious. Imagine if Kian had written something to me, or if he hadn't done it. I didn't know how to handle it. But I can't ignore opening the phone forever, right?

I picked up the phone from the floor, I would just going to start it when I felt something weird. I ran to the toilet and threw up.

I leaned back against the tile wall. I was shaking because i was scared and my body was freezing.
This must be a sign that I am definitely not ready yet.

I went out into the kitchen and took a glass of cold water. I filled it one more and swept as fast.

My body has never reacted like this before.

Don't forget to follow me sweethearts!
It's fun to see your comments but i would be more happy if it didn't just say UPDATE, i know you mean well and more chapters will come. :-)

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