Chapter 37

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I closed the door after going into the toilet. The walls were as light blue as in the corridor. I took the test out of my pocket, my hand was shaking. I looked in the mirror, sought eye contact with myself. You can handle this Em, it's certainly nothing.

I opened the package and took the test. Does it have to mention how many weeks you've been pregnant? I do not want to know how far it has gone, the thought that this was about a real person, a little baby that is part of me and part of Kian. Probably he or she would get dark hair like him, Em close those thoughts!

I did as the instructions said, I was afraid I might miss the stick so I peed in a mug and let the stick lie in to suck it up. Then I put the test on the table.

The feeling in my stomach grew, I was nervous. I went out to Kian with tears in my eyes. He got up from the bed and walked to me quickly. He grabbed my hands, his was a little damp and shaky, he was probably just as nervous.

"The result will be visible in a few minutes." I said lowly.

He just smiled at me and pulled me close to him. His perfume and smell that I loved was weak but it was there.

I looked up at him, into his eyes. They were so calm that it stilled my nausea. It was as if you were seasick and needed to look at the horizon to find a quiet balance when everything just rocked.

"I should check." I said low, and my sweat was getting clearer.

"Do you want me to do that?" He asked.

I shook my head and slid out of his hands. I saw the test lying on the table, so close but so far away. I couldn't do this myself. I didn't look at it when I took the test and started going out the door, I wanted to do this with Kian.

As I walked out of the room, his gaze flew between me and the test in my hand.

"Sooo?" He said

* Boom, boom boom! *

"What is that?" I asked, and both our eyes flew to the door.

* Boom, boom, boom! *

Kian opened the door gently and in storming came no less than my brother, Auden Scott.

His gray eyes narrowed as he caught sight of the long Spaniard in front of me.

"Emery, what the f*ck?"

"How did you find me?" I asked him, I felt the blood disappear from my face. He looked so angry.

"Is that him? The guy that hurt you ?! " Auden asked, taking huge steps forward to Kian. Auden was longer than him, smaller but that didn't mean weaker.

Auden looked into Kian's eyes with a disgust I had never seen before.

"How did you know I was here Auden ?!" I asked again, trying to get between them.

"Addy said you might be here, don't you think we get worried when you disappear in the middle of the night, especially in this city ?!" When Auden got so upset he got a faint British accent. It was like seeing my dad's high school photos come to life.

Auden's eyes examined me and his eyes widened when he saw the test in my hand.

"Auden please..." My voice cracked.

Auden flew at Kian and fed punches to his face. Kian was not beaten back but tried to protect himself by putting him away.

"You made her focking pregnant ?!" Auden screamed, hitting Kian so hard in his face that he cracked his eyebrow.

I screamed, he was crazy.

"What is happening, are these your children ?!" I heard a squeaky voice whine in the background. It was miss peep .. With my parents..

Don't forget to follow me, thank you for the love and support ILY.
Which days do you want me to update? Moday and Friday i was thinking?

Tell me how you imagine the characters, do they look like someone?

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