Chapter 3: Final Thoughts

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Y/n = your name
Y/d/n = your dad's name

"What did you think, y/n?" Des asks when you're in earshot.

That odd feeling washes over you again, possibly because of how impatient and angry Des looked when you saw him but then seemed really happy when he noticed you.

"It was really cool, I can't wait to see him again tomorrow." You smile.

Des nods but weirdly. "That's....nice. Anyway! Are you still up to looking at the tech?"

"Uuuhh...sure." You try to remember if you have anything planned.

"Great! Y/d/n are you coming as well?"

"Ah I can't right now, I've got to tend to the designing boys. You two have fun – and come find me when your done, y/n, to say goodbye."


You nod and your dad walks away, leaving you alone with Des. He pulls at your arm to get you to start moving. He takes you to a small room with a whiteboard on the wall. It has so many drawings squished into it, each one having measurements and notes next to them.

"This is where the majority of ideas start." Des walks over to a desk.

He shoves a couple of untidy stacks of paper out of the way – a lot of them falling to the floor – and grabs a foam sculpture of some sort. He explains that it's one of the fans that runs next to the main power source – or a heart to be simplistic. He starts to babble on about all the tiny details about it and how even if one of those details isn't there it would fall apart. It is interesting but...

"This is the final product, we sometimes bring it in to compare and see if we missed anything."

You just nod. Des walks closer to you and grabs your hand to place on this fan, which makes you jump a little but he doesn't seem to notice, or just ignores it. You shake the encounter off and focus on the object and how it feels. It's oddly smooth for metal but it does have its bumps where it looks to have been welded together. It's also deathly cold or maybe it's the room. Either way, you pull your hand from it and back to your side.

"Do you think we did a good job on it?" Des asks.

You nod. What he means by 'a good job' is a mystery since you have no idea how it's supposed to feel but he seems happy and places the piece back where he got it.


He grabs your arm again and pulls you with him to another area. This room is bigger than the one you were previously in, however. It's got machines everywhere with multiple people around them wearing protective gear and working away. The whole place is a mess too. Just in that short time you've glanced over the room people were tripping over things, frantically running around trying to find things and bumping into other people. They all seem used to it though as if this is the norm. Whenever one of those mentioned scenarios happens everyone has this odd calmness to them – even if they seem to have lost something that is probably important. Maybe you're overthinking like you always do.

"This room is always the busiest," Des says.

"I can see that."

He points to a couple of the machines and explains what each one does and how precise some people have to be with them, otherwise, it could cause disaster...a possibly fatal disaster he says. This is when you start to not pay attention to what he's saying. You've never been a fan of pain, with good reason. You're squeamish. Even ads on safety make you almost puke or have to look away or even leave the room so you let him ramble on – even if he's stopped talking about fatal issues. Instead, you just watch. You watch how everyone works, how serious some are compared to others, and how the transition between machines is so smooth – most of the time. You notice how coordinated everyone is, some people even being in total sync, like a dance. Everyone's so swift. It's kind of beautiful to see and watch. You wonder how long it took to get like this and how many fails. Do they know that they're like this? It's more fun to think they do and that they purposely make it look majestic.


Des says something but you didn't catch on.

"Sorry?" You snap back to reality.

"Never mind." He turns around. "Come this way."

"Uhh actually, Des, it's getting kind of late and I should start going."

"Really?" He checks his watch.

He nods and starts walking back to where you came from. Hopefully, your dad's free. You both make your way to the front entrance and you see your dad standing there on his phone. He sees you and puts it away.

"There you are y/n!" he says.

"Sorry, dad we lost track of time."

"That's fine."

Your dad turns and opens the door for you so you walk towards it, but not before Des gives you a one-arm hug and says he'll show you the rest of it tomorrow. You just politely smile, nod and resume walking. Your dad follows you outside but his expression is different. He looks upset.


"Yeah?" His face changes back to its original expression.

"You okay?"

He nods with a smile and walks you to your car, which you unlock. You get in the driver's seat with the window down and look up to your dad, who for a split second has that upset expression – only for a second, however, before he's back to smiling.

"I hope you enjoyed your stay," he says.

"I did." You smile.

He laughs. "I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, jellybean."

He scruffs your hair up again and you just laugh. He steps back for the car so can reverse out. When you turn onto the road you wave at him and he waves back while you drive off towards home.


While on the road you keep switching between thinking about Bonnie and Des. You try and think more about Bonnie since that's more enjoyable to do and doesn't make you feel weird on the inside, but there's just something that makes you picture Des. It is wrong to think like this about someone. Maybe he just doesn't know how to first interact with new people and when they get to know him, he's actually a great guy. Yeah, that must be it. You leave it there, not allowing your brain to go 'but then again'. But then again, what if there's more to it than that? God damn it brain. You sigh to yourself as you wait for the light to go green. Why are you acting like this? You were always raised not to judge like why? The light finally goes green and you start rolling again. Just think of Bonnie you tell yourself. A weird strategy, yes, to just simply think about someone else rather than something else, but anything to get you to stop picturing Des.


Luckily, you're able to keep your mind focused on Bonnie for the rest of the ride. He is something that really makes you want to go back, for some strange reason. You just want to talk to him, even though it would sort of be a one-sided conversation. You just want to know his emotions. He smiled at you twice so he must have them unless that's just what he's programmed to do every time he's talking to someone. You know most of the questions you have will be answered with time, but he was your childhood friend – sort of. This thought process manages to get you through the long drive to your house and you see the roof of it getting bigger as you get closer.


You park up on your driveway, get out of the warm car and stroll over to the front door, fishing the keys out of your bag. You fumble with them for a second, trying to get the right one, and hop up the stairs to the porch, right in front of the door. Finally, you get the key in its spot and unlock it, already getting your bag ready to toss on the ground – which is exactly what you do when you get inside. You exhale through your nose, looking around your silent house and see it's the same as how you left it. You smile. No reason; you just smile. You smile to the kitchen to make dinner.

You can't wait for tomorrow.

Hey! I can post a little more frequently, yay!! So yeah, Des is a little weird but he's cool......hopefully.
Till next time.

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