Chapter 27: A Calm Night

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Y/n = your name

You stare at the movie playing, occasionally glancing at the clock as you count down the seconds until you need to take your next set of medication. Your dad had said that he was going to be bringing Bonnie tonight since yesterday, exactly what he said would happen, happened. He also said that there is something Bonnie wants to show you. Andrew had texted you earlier today, saying that he found Bonnie crying, but it was tears of joy since the complete and utter relief of everybody being cool, or close to it, finally set in for him. All this makes you want to have the ability to control time – even though it's just thirty more minutes until your dad gets here with Bonnie. This thirty minutes is going to feel like an eternity, especially since you're looking at the clock every ten seconds. You huff and lay down properly on the couch, which apparently is a mistake since not even a minute later, you are fast asleep.


You're woken up by getting your Bonnie plush to the face. You open your eyes with probably not as much urgency as you should and find your dad standing over you.

"How did you get in here?" you ask.

"You gave me your spare keys, remember?"


You shift and look to the front door to see Bonnie standing there. He has a guitar strapped to his back. It's not the same as what you've seen though, in any of the pictures, it's not even the same colour. It's a light brown and round, completely contrasting what you've seen. It also doesn't have any sort of cord so it can't be electric. Bonnie smiles when you make eye contact with him.

"What's with the guitar?" you ask. "It's not the same as what I've seen."

"Well I was just programmed with every single bit of info there is for every single guitar yesterday so we have to test it, and we're starting with this one."

"Why every single guitar?"

"It's so if we have like a theme or mood or something with the music he can do it. We can't have rock and roll all the time," your dad says.

"I see."

Your dad hands you your medication as Bonnie sits next to you.

"How was the rest of yesterday after I left?" you say after swallowing the pill.

"Good," your dad says. "Someone's getting famous."

"People just wanted to talk," Bonnie says.

"Yeah. Imagine that, but every day with children at your feet."

"Doesn't sound too bad."

Your dad shrugs. "Maybe."

"Did anything happen that sticks out from the rest?" you ask.

Your dad goes silent, as does Bonnie.

"What?" You look at Bonnie.

"Um, Des showed up," he says.



"Can I ask what he wanted?"

"He wasn't very clear with what he was saying. He was jumping all over the place and such."

"Was he on something?"

"I don't know. There weren't any signs of him being drunk or on some sort of drug. He just seemed sort of crazy."

"Ok...on a lighter note. You with the guitar!"

Bonnie chuckles. "What about it?"

"What songs can you play?"

[BEING REWRITTEN]A Malfunction? (Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now