Part 17: Thats my girl

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Noah's POV*

We won the game 57-14.  It was a easy win but the whole time I was super tense.

I've been getting calls left and right from every college you could think of.

They are all offering me full rides and all these extra deals that would come along if I committed to them.

I especially hate it when they come to my games and try to bribe me into playing for them.

After I get out of the locker room shower, I throw on Nike sweats and slip on my slippers that Elizabeth got me.

They are very comfortable, they got this fur on the inside and the good thing is my feet aren't cold anymore.

After putting on my hoodie I grab my athletic bag and open up the door so I can walk out the locker room.

The second I walk out, I'm ambushed by all the elementary kids running up to me and asking me to sign their footballs.

Twenty minutes later I was signing my last football when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Handing the football to the little girl I give her a big smile which makes her cheeks turn bright red.

She then runs off and leaves me to talk to these dumb asses.

"Noah Miller, I'm Steve Bennet."  He stuck out his hand for me to shake  I accepted the gesture but made sure to have a very tight grip and make eye contact the whole time.

Yeah bitch feel uncomfortable

When the man pulled back I saw him look down to his hand and rub it which made me chuckle.

Oops, don't wanna tell Elizabeth about that she would 'yell' at me.

"I know your not taking offers anymore  and I know you have been annoyed by all the schools contacting you but, Hell kid you have one heck of an arm on you. William Smith best QB in the Nation, that was until your sophomore year when you transferred from Belmont to here. Your first game highlight has over ten million views on it you shouldn't be surprised that all these schools want you. I can tell you that Georgia is willing to pay for every single thing that includes your house or dorm fees. We-"

"Listen here I don't give a fuck about what y'all have to offer, Money is not the God damned problem, the problem is that all you recruiters won't get out of my personal life, don't you think that I want to enjoy these last games in my high school career as a fucking normal person? And if you haven't noticed I have already committed to Auburn so tell all your little buddies down at Georgia or hell spread the fucking word that Noah Miller has officially had enough of these dumb asses bugging the fuck out of him, so please stop calling my phone, stop calling my parents and for the love of God stop showing up to my school and trying to bribe me, it's really childish."

My fist are clenched in anger and I'm pretty sure my face is red but the look on that guys face is price less.

"Steve I think it's best if you leave." Will says from behind me.

I think I drew a crowd.

Turning around I throw my bag onto my shoulder and oh so happily make my way out of the stadium.

Half way to my truck I see two players from the other team flirting with Elizabeth.

The fuck?

Elizabeth is clearly trying to push their hands away from her body which triggers my inner cave man.

I'm boutta go ape shit on these fools.

Stomping over to them at full speed I turn the first guy around and punch him right in the face which instantly knocks him out.

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