Part 21: Yo mama

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Not- edited... :)

Last night was very sad; for everyone.

Grace had to experience one of the most heart breaking things as an eighteen year old girl.

Bryce offered to come get her but she ended up wanting to stay with us instead.

Speaking of Bryce; we tried to get Grace to talk to him but she refuses. She has been silent ever since and simply nods if we ask her something.

Clayton has been a blessing. He wants to help her, since past experiences have been related to this one he has been checking on Grace every thirty minutes and eventually he held her until she fell asleep.

Marley mentioned Harper and Clayton's face turned into a scowl and he went back to rubbing Graces back as she slept.

"Lizzie, can you go downstairs and make her hot chocolate? It's her favorite." Clay says as he tucks Grace into his comforter.

"Yeah, sure thing."

I head down the stairs and into the kitchen to find mom already making hot coco.

"Hey baby, is she doing okay?" Mom asks with a concerned look.

"I don't know, she's been asleep for awhile. Clay won't leave her side, considering he has a girlfriend I think it's best if he does. More drama is the last darn thing we need."

When I mentioned girlfriend moms sweet face dropped and her skin paled.

They aren't telling me something.

"Mom, what is it? We have mentioned Harper to Clay and his face did the same thing that yours just did."

Mom sighs and runs her fingers through her long dark hair.

"We figured out that Harper was using your brother. The school that we are playing in the Championship is from Dallas that's where Harper went to school while she was there. They figured out she was attending this school and they all together made a plan for her to get with someone on the football team so she could feed them information on the plays."

That little lying scum bag of a bitch.

Sorry Jesus, please forgive me. I'm just really mad right now.

"Did she lie about having cancer! And about leaving Noah!"

Mom leans her head down and nods again.

Shit fart face, I'm gonna fight a bitch.

There's two things that are not acceptable in the book of Elizabeth. You never, and I mean ever break my little siblings hearts and you never lie about an illness that is a burden in so many peoples hearts.

"Why in Gods name would she lie about cancer to us! That's just... uhhh!"

Ducking nasty bitch.

I don't like the f word coming out of my mouth...

"We don't know yet honey. But we will try and figure out."

"Thank you for telling me mama." I wrap her in a hug and take the hot coco off the counter before I make my way up stairs.

"Your welcome sugar pie."

I head up to Clays room and set the hot coco down on the bedside table.

"You and me mr are having a talk."

I grab his sweatpants elastic and yank him out of the room.

"I swear it wasn't me who ate your stash of Reese's it was Seth!"

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