Part 45: Positive

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Elizabeth's POV:

You know I'm a dreamer! But my hearts of gold!

I sing along with Vince Neil as I watch Nikkis very and I mean very fine butt play his bass.

"I'm on my way, I'm on my wayyy home sweeettttttt-"

"SWEET LORD SHE'S AWAKE!" I open my eyes expecting to see Nikki Sixx but NO, it's CLAYTON.

"You just ruined one of the best dreams I've ever had you turd." I then look around and see that I'm in my old room at granddaddy's.

I don't even have time to register what's happening before I feel a huge body jump on mine and squeeze the life out of me.

"Babydoll, you scared the shit out of me." Noah lifts his head out of my neck and gives me a clear view of his watery green eyes.

"Noah, don't cry! I just wore myself out today. I haven't eaten or drank any water today so that's why I passed out."  Hopefully that's the reason...

"Well your not leaving this bed until you have eaten and drank plenty of water so I will be back." Noah and Clayton run, literally run, out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen where I hear them destroying everything.

I look up and see mom walk into my room with a warm smile. "Hey honey," she takes my hands and caresses then softly.

"I have a question." She says which I nod to. "When was the last time you had your period?" My face goes pale and I instantly look down.

"Sweetheart, you know that your father and I are the last people to judge you for having sex or getting pregnant at a young age for that matter."

"Um maybe a month ago." I look up and see mom lightly smiling at me. "That's totally normal, maybe you skipped a month or something! Either way this goes your family and I will be here the whole nine yards." Mom gives me a big hug then gets up.

Before she leaves the room she turns to me and smiles. "You couldn't have picked a better candidate for the job though, he's a keeper." She winks then walks out of the room just in time for Noah and Clayton to bust back in with THREE plates of food.

I can barely finish one!

"Alright you either eat it or me and Clayton are shoving it down your throat." Couldn't have asked for a more loving boyfriend....

The night goes on with the family playing football in the backyard as granddaddy yells at dad for messing up the plays, dads reply to everything was.

"Dad, who's the one that was drafted in their third year of college ball to play for The Cowboys?" And well granddaddy, he had a comeback for that one to.

"Well son who was the one who led the Saints to a winning season in 1987? Also don't forget I have bred a whole line of D1 athletes so I don't wanna hear it because you got all that." He points to dad then back over to Clayton, Seth, Alex then me. -"from me."

The next morning I wake up in a empty bed, this usually wouldn't effect me but this morning I'm more emotional.

I stand up out of bed but immediately sit back down when a wave of nausea rolls over my stomach. Oh my lanta...

I rush to the toilet and spend the next five minutes puking up the meal from last night.
Maybe it's just food poisoning.

Yeah food poisoning.... I flush the toilet then walk over to my shower and turn it on. Once I'm undressed, I walk into the shower and sit on the floor then let out a loud sob.

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