Part 22: Save room for Jesus

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It's Sunday and the whole fam jam is on the way to church.

We are now just getting to go since we moved here.

Moms words were "all you children are so hung up on damn football y'all need some Jesus time."

So here is everyone crammed in moms suv complaining about how early it is.

"Oh y'all hush, if this was y'all getting up to go practice football none of y'all would be complaining." Mom says while slapping a sleeping dads shoulder.

He jumps up and clears his throat.

"Yeah, um listen to your mother."

Clayton groans and kicks his seat.

"Dad you were literally the one muttering under your breath and I quote. "It's too damn early for this. I could be sleeping right now."Clayton says in a deep copy voice.

"Wow Will way to be a good example for our children." Mom mutters.

"Your welcome sugar pie." Dad sends her a smirk which she ignores.

Two hours later we are finally done with church and start deciding on where to eat.

Every suggestion dad makes has everyone groaning and rolling their eyes. Including mom

Mom decides to take over and pulls up to a Japanese grill.

"Oh yea! Move so I can get out you bitches."

Seth and Alex took the two seats in the middle row so that left me and Clay in the back.

It was so annoying he kept poking my head and smacking his gum in my ears.

I elbowed him which led to him elbowing me harder and that turned into a slapping fight.

Mom threatened to pull the car over which led to all of us busting out laughing.

Seth and Alex pile out of the car so me and Clay try to both get out of the back row at the same time.

That didn't work we both started pushing each other. He ended up winning because he shoved me back into the seat.

"Stupid idiot." I mutter as I get out of the car.

I slam the door and realize that my whole family left me. Besides dad he's staring at me trying to hold in a laugh.

"Not funny"

I walk up to him as he pulls me into his side and walks to the entrance.

"Why did you decide to have another child after me? Like really was I not enough?"

Dad laughs and kisses my head.

"Your mother raped me darlin' that's why your brother is here."

I gasp and shove him he just laughs louder.

"Dad! Ew, just gross!"

I walk ahead of him and plop down beside Seth.

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