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Im just struggling to love myself as much as everyone else is. And it is a struggle when everything in life seems to scream that you're not enough. Not smart enough, not pretty enough, not talented enough. We are constantly compared to each other, especially women. We are constantly measured by a first glance. We are constantly weighed our worth in social media followers and friend groups that end up being pointless and slowing our progress down anyways.

Well to that I say a big fat FUCK YOU!

To all the men that deemed a woman's worth since the beginning of time by the shape of her curves and created social stereotypes and placed boundaries on women by valuing them as your sexual property. To all the magazines and advertisements that only portray thin white women and have no diversity in size or shape or color or age, fuck you and suck my giant lesbian dick. Fuck you for making all women insecure about their beautiful bodies at one time or another.

My only life goal is to strive to love myself and other women. Why? Because we fucking deserve all the love we can accept. We need more love, we need less shame. We have to support each other because we are all in the same boat. No matter what size you are, no matter whether you're insecure about your thighs or your boobs or your stomach or your fat or your stretch marks or your scars or anything about you, you are fucking goddamn beautiful.

I know truly loving yourself and being proud of yourself and confident in yourself is a really tough goal deep down when you've been through as much shit as I have. When enough people have made you feel ugly you start to believe it to be true. For me it is a struggle not to hate myself a lot of the time. But then there are moments when I amaze myself and I know you can relate. These moments inspire me to forget any mean thing I've ever been told or any negative thought I've ever had about myself.

I am a fucking work in progress like every other human on this earth. No one is perfect no matter how extraordinary their life appears and deep down we all struggle. My personal journey is only to better myself. The only person I have to compete with and conquer is my own self doubt and insecurities.

I have measured myself and I am enough for me. I am intelligent and talented and I am beautiful and I can become anything I want to be with enough motivation and inspiration.

You are and you can. Stop telling yourself differently.

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