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I'm really happy today. Genuinely just feel amazing. Today is the day I was born.

I've been changing a lot lately. Really digging deep inside myself. Figuring out what the fuck I want and reassuring myself what I want out of life. Getting more determined than ever to pursue it without fear.

I love the changes I've made this year.

I started the year gravely sick but healed stronger than ever. I broke my own heart and mended it myself several times. I grew in the way I love. Especially in the way I love and respect myself. Im putting myself as my number one priority over other peoples expectations, over their feelings, especially my family. I cut people off that were doing more harm than good.

I'm not mincing my words or pretending at all anymore. And honestly it feels like a weight off my shoulders.

Other people be god damned.

Part of me feels old, because I'm still very young but I've been thru so much. Part of me feels old because I am old 😂

I wish I could say I have learned everything I wanted to learn and been as successful as I wanted to be already and be exactly where I wanted to be in life. But that is never how life works. Things never go how u think they will. And sometimes it's for the better.

Because you always end up being given the opportunity to learn the things u need to learn so you can grow. To learn from your many mistakes, to heal, to be better than you were.

And I have grown so fucking much this year.

That above all else is what I'm proud of. And I am truly proud of myself. And I feel very happy to celebrate my life. I am more determined than ever to ascend to my final form. I will be absolutely unstoppable and nothing will stand in my way of growth.

I promise myself that whatever happens I'm going to continue finding things to appreciate in every day I'm given. I'm never going to stop learning. Learning how to be a better person, learning how to love and care for myself and others even more. Learning how to take risks and not ever let fear hold me back from bravery. I'm going to take in all the beauty I can while I'm here and sing to the moon til my soul is content. And I'm always going to keep hunting for adventure with a wild heart.

That is the wolf's way.

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