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People dont want real love.

They want a fucking story. They want the perfection that's in their imagination. They want a pretty facade. They want the ideal their brain has created about someone when they dont even know the real person. When they dont fucking know the truth.

People dont want to be cared for. It scares them when someone really does.

Real scares them. So they look for something fake.

They look for someone who doesnt want them back because deep down they dont feel like they deserve real. Because they are too afraid of something that might last long enough to destroy them if it doesnt last.

We accept the love we think we deserve.

And isnt it sad that so many of us have wasted time chasing after someone who doesnt really give a fuck about us? Someone who didnt deserve time in the first place. They pretend to care, say they do, but their actions prove the opposite.

People dont want real. They want a pretty face and their own imagination. And they dont care about who they hurt along the way.

Not really.

And how many people lose the real thing that was right in front of their face the whole time because they were off chasing someone that didnt actually give a single fuck but only pretended to  And the cycle continues.

People show they value you with their actions not their words.

If someone really cares about you... they will show it. With their time and trust and attention and respect. With the way they consider how their actions affect your feelings.

It's not fucking all about you.

If you love someone, dont just tell them. Show them every day. Or you will lose something real and precious. And you fucking will regret it.

If you dont feel the same then at least have the fucking balls to tell the truth instead of giving a bullshit excuse, when u really have your eye on someone else.

And double fuck the dumb bitch that hirt my friend. You're lucky I cant wring your scrawny fucking neck you dusty ass rusty nickel smelling hoe.

Cheers to all of us morons who continue giving people our time and attention that dont deserve it 💀🍻🤘

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