good gravy :)

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Lmao ignore that last post. I was having a weak ass moment. Just like so many moments where I feel like I'm not enough. I think this retrograde is throwing everyone around emotionally. And everyone needs to have some moments like that but...

I'm way too goddamn awesome to continue doubting myself! So I had to snap myself out of that.

Can I just say... the qualities I have are amazing. There is not a single other person like me on earth.

I am talented af in so many things. I can sing like an angel. I have one of the warmest most gentle hearts I've ever known. I genuinely want people to be happy. I always try to be kind and respectful. I am thoughtful and very generous. I am a silly ass dorky dyke!

See, when stuff doesnt work out, or when negative shit happens.. we tend to not tell ourselves these positive things enough. So I gotta remind myself how cool I am cuz sometimes I forget.

We blame shit on ourselves, feel like we arent enough, or like we ruined things.

Maybe we did make mistakes... but jesus why do we beat ourselves up so much? Why are we so hard on ourselves?

Theres always gonna be more chances to learn and grow as a silly little human.

Anything you wanna be in this life... you can.

If you are reading this.... I love you.

Tell yourself you're amazing. Believe it because you are. And you are loved. Stop blaming yourself for everything negative. The bad things that happen to you are not a reflection of your worth as a person. And you deserve so much love!

I have so much love in my heart to give. And right now most of all I know I need to keep giving it to myself most importantly.

My battle against my depression, anxiety, negativity.... it's never going to be over.

It's a lifelong process learning to be your own best friend and be gentle to yourself. But you might as well work hard on it now because you're stuck with you your whole life!

And if ima be stuck with anyone... I'm glad it's me. 😎🤙🤠👌

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