Cell Phones and Cuddels (smut)

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Warnings: swearing, fluff, dirty talk, oral, riding Daniel's face, fingering, thigh riding,


I laid under the covers of Daniel's bed, something I did to comfort myself while he was on tour, and scrolled through Twitter. I loved scrolling through the fans' comments on the boys' pictures.

My body was still, except for my thumb on the screen of my phone in my hand, and I could feel my heartbeat in my fingertips. I smiled while I saw the group photos of the boys in their car. The lids of my eyes grew heavy, but I would stay awake until Daniel got home. I would.

Nevermind that. I'm tired.

I turned off my phone and set it on the nightstand, but it didn't last very long because the notifications kept blowing up my phone. Ding. There goes my Twitter feed again. I go to pick up my phone and I see that the boys have posted that they are coming home. My eyes start to stick to the screen as a new tweet from Daniel pops up.

@SeaveyDaniel: can't wait to get home. i know i got someone to look forward to ;)

I smiled to myself because I knew he was talking about me. My heart started to race and I could tell why. Maybe it was because I was excited or maybe I was nervous to see Daniel after three months. It was like my brain and my heart were not on the same page, but it didn't really matter because adrenaline was flying through my body and I couldn't tell if that was a good thing.

Twitter was very addicting and my eyes were so glued to the screen that I didn't even hear the sound of the door opening and closing. I could faintly hear someone calling my name, but brushed it off because it was probably my imagination messing with me. Footsteps in the hallway grew louder as they walked to the room I was in, but my brain was stuck on the latest Twitter updates.

Sounds of the metal door knob slightly turning made their way to my ears. "Babe? Are you in here?"

My eyes lit up and a smile grew on my lips. "Daniel!" I ran to the messy-haired boy and engulfed him in a warm hug. My lips left light kisses in the crook of his neck. "I missed you so much," I whispered, still not wanting to let him go.

"I missed you too, baby. What have you been doing?"

Still not releasing him from my grip, I spoke again. "I've been scrolling through the Twitter band account the entire time. Like, I've been so attached to my phone for the past couple days."

I unraveled my arms from around Daniel and led him to the bed so we could just sit and talk. "Well, I have a solution. How do cuddles sound?" Daniel had this huge smile on his face while he spoke to me. I watched his eyes drag down my body, just admiring the fact that I was really standing in front of him.

I smiled back at him. "Cuddles sound perfect right now."

Daniel got under the comforter and moved it to the side so I could get under. He covered our torsos with the heavy fabric and pulled me close to him so we were facing each other.

We started to talk about the things that happened on tour when my phone dinged again. I moved to go get it when Daniel tried to keep me in bed. "Babe, please just leave it. I want to spend some time with you without our phones. Please?"

I rolled my eyes at him whining and begging, but I submitted and moved back to my previous position in his arms. My lips pecked his nose. "You're lucky you're cute, you know that?"

"Is that the only reason you're dating me?" he jokingly asked.

I nodded at him. "Absolutely," I quipped. Daniel's lips formed into a pout before I pressed my lips to his. "I'm kidding. It is one of the many reasons I'm dating you. Looks are a complete bonus to the rest of your impeccable personality," I teased.

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