Truth or Dare (SMUT)

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It had been a long day in the Why Don't We house. I was tired, the boys were tired, and all we wanted to do was relax. Work had been killing them lately, so I decided for it to be a movie night. The boys were scattered around the house, half in the living room, half in their room, most likely bored out of their mind.

I walked upstairs and knocked on the door of Jack and Jonah's shared room. A muffled "Come in" was heard and I opened the door, peeking my head in a little.

"Hey, Zach, Corbyn, Daniel, and I were gonna watch a movie if you guys wanted to join us." My eyes caught Jonah playing the piano quietly in a corner of the room and I saw Jack laying on his bed, scrolling through his phone. Jack nodded and hummed in response and Jonah placed his guitar against the wall, walking towards me as I began to leave the room.

I was almost all the way out of the room before Jonah grabbed my arm, a sweet smile on his face. "Hey," he said, walking beside me down the stairs.

"Hey," I responded back. "What's up?"

He shook his head at me. "Nothing, just wanted to know if you wanted to sit with me during the movie."

I nodded at him. "Sure, Danny." We walked down the stairs, Jack coming down ten seconds after. The other three boys were already sprawled out on the sofa.

Jonah led me to an empty spot on the couch, my back positioned on his chest. Jack sat on the floor next to Zach and Corbyn turned on the TV. "What are we watching?"

Jonah kissed the top of my head and I glanced at Daniel. He had a sad look on his face and I was going to ask him about it before Zach responded. "The Incredibles."

I rolled my eyes at the boy, even though we all loved that movie. "Sounds good."


About two-thirds of our way into the movie, during the scene where Frozone goes, "Honey, where is my supersuit?", the electricity crackled and the room went pitch black, resulting in my body bolting up. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I started to race around the house, flipping on all of the light switches before accepting the fact the power went out. "Well, the power went out, so now we have nothing to do."

It was a couple silent minutes before Zach decided to speak up. "Let's play truth or dare."

I shook my head, already disliking the idea. "Oh, no. Absolutely not."

Jonah scrunched his eyebrows together. "Why not?"

"Because," I stressed, "with you five, it's a dangerous game for me. You either get into my personal business, make me do some stupid shit, or I end up feeling embarrassed or upset, and no matter what you say, I know it is going to happen again."

Corbyn chuckled at my reasoning. "So? That's what makes the game fun. I mean, we are all family, so what's the harm?" I rolled my eyes at him. "Please, Y/N?"

Daniel placed his hand on my knee, giving me a small smile. "Come on. It'll be fun."

I gave in to the blue-eyed boy, letting out a deep sigh before speaking. "Fine, I'll play."

They cheered at my answer before Jack started the game. "Okay...Corbyn! Truth or dare?"

Corbyn chuckled to himself before giving the curly-haired boy his answer. "Truth."

"Okay, starting off easy. Good idea." I could tell Jack was trying to come up with a good question. "Have you...have you ever been drunk?"

We all laughed at the question and Corbyn's voice piped up, quieting us down. He nodded at the question. "Yeah, I have. It was with Christina, one time. We were at a party and thought it was a good idea to try it. So, we snuck up to an empty room and drank a few beers, which ended up leading to-"

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