Just friends

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"Hey, Y/N, are you done packing?" Jonah asked in an excited, but muffled, voice.

Let me backup a little bit. Yes, the Jonah I'm referring to is Jonah Marais of Why Don't We, and yes, I am friends with the Why Don't We boys. My best friend is Daniel Seavey and we are the closest friends could ever be. I live in the apartment building a couple blocks down from their house.

Now, I know what you are thinking. How in the world did I get lucky enough to meet the boys? Well, that's a great question, and to be honest, it is still a little fuzzy in my memory. But what basically happened is I was shopping for the new Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, and so was Jonah. We ended up reaching for the same copy and afterwards, he took me out to coffee just to get to know me. There was a connection instantly and we exchanged numbers in hopes of hanging out again.

A couple days later, he texted me asking me if I wanted to meet his friends, and of course, I agreed. When I went over to his house, he introduced me to everyone and for some reason, Daniel and I really hit it off. Like, we really hit it off and we have been best friends ever since.

As far as my relationship with the other boys goes, we are all pretty close in our own ways, which keeps my life exciting. We have grown so close that I have a drawer in Daniel and Jack's room just in case I end up staying over.

Now, let's get back to what is happening right now. I am going on my first vacation with the boys and Christina, which was really nerve-wracking, by the way. We decided to rent a house with a gorgeous pool and enough rooms and beds to house us all.

Jonah had called me so I could let him know when I was ready to be picked up. We decided it would be much easier if we just took two cars to the airport, instead of me driving separately from everyone else. I was completely estatic for the vacation, except that there was one tiny detail I may have left out. My fear or flying.

The butterflies in my stomach were like girls at a One Direction concert; out of control.

"Y/N, are you there?" Thank you for snapping me back into reality.

"Uh...yep, yeah, definitely," I stuttered back into the phone, hoping that Jonah didn't catch it.

''Say it one more time and I'll believe you."

"Shut up, smartass," I quipped.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry." I could tell he was holding his hands up in surrender. "But are you ready?"

I looked around my apartment, seeing there were some things I still needed to pack. "I have a couple last minute things to pack. How about you pick me up in, like, five minutes?"

I could hear Jonah chuckle at me. "Alright, Y/N. The guys, Christina and I will be there in five minutes. I'll see you then."

"Bye, Jonah." I hung up the phone and raced around to gather every last thing that would be essential if I survived the flight.

Five minutes later, I heard a knock on my door, which meant it was time for me to go. My feet led me to the door and my fingers wrapped around the cold metal and pulled open the door. My eyes met Jonah's and he walked inside. "Yeah, sure, come on in," I sassily stated.

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes. "Do you need some help?" My suitcase stood neatly by the front door.

"Yeah, if you could grab my suitcase, that would be great. I'll meet you out there. I just gotta do one more sweep to make sure windows are closed and the door is locked." Jonah nodded at my response and exited with my suitcase rolling behind him.

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