It's Not Him

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It was irrational, really.

The changes in his behaviour started out small, it was practically unnoticeable. But as time went on, it wasn't hard to see the change in him. There was something bothering him and you knew it.

Daniel was never possessive over you, at least not before. You were always his best friend and he knew that. He never felt threatened by anyone because he knew at the end of the day that he was your best friend and no one else.

His move to L.A didn't even affect our friendship if anything it made it stronger. Not to mention that you were only apart for about a year because as soon as you graduated you moved out to L.A to go to school and be close to him.

To be frank, you were surprised he didn't realize how in love with him you were when you moved your entire life at 18 just to be with him in L.A. But regardless, you had left home and moved into a one-bedroom apartment in Los Angeles.

The boys had helped you settle in, bought furniture with you, moved all your stuff in; they did so much for you. It hadn't taken long for the boys to become your second family, your home away from home. You had gotten extremely close to them and it was one of the best parts about L.A.

It was all fine the first few months; everyone was friendly and everyone was having a great time. It was no secret to Jack, Zach, Jonah or Corbyn that you were hopelessly in love with your best friend. You didn't intend on telling them but one day they just cornered you and you had no choice but to confess.

Soon after that everything started going downhill. Daniel started to pull away, not only from you but from the boys. At least, when you were there. It wasn't noticeable at first, excusing himself to do something during serious conversations or leaving the house completely while you were cooking dinner. You had even heard hushed arguments behind closed doors of the house.

You were at the house today, you promised Jack you'd bake brownies with him because he was really craving some. You walked through the front door just like you had thousands of times and saw Daniel sprawled out on the couch.

"Hey!" You exclaimed, a big smile playing on your lips.

"Hey! I didn't know you were coming by today? " He said, slightly confused as he started to sit up from his previously laid out position.

"Yeah, Jack and I are baking!" You explained, holding up the paper bag full of ingredients that were in your hands.

"Y/N! You're here!" Jack walked in, giving you a hug and picking the bag out of your hands.

Daniel's expression went blank as he muttered some excuse as to why he had to leave and walked out without another word.

"I don't know what's up with him, Jack." You sighed, shaking your head as you walked into the kitchen.

"Honestly, none of us know either." He replied as he placed the groceries on the counter.


The brownies were in the oven and Jack had popped in a movie to pass the time. Plopping down on the couch between Corbyn and Jack, it didn't take long for you to get comfortable.

As soon as you started getting into the movie, Daniel walked through the front door. The two of you made eye contact immediately until he looked away shaking his head.

"You've got to be kidding me." He scoffed, throwing his keys on the table and walking out towards the yard.

"I'm over this." You said to no one in particular as you got up and followed him. Once you got outside you spotted him on the top of the hill, throwing rocks out into the city of L.A.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" You exclaimed as you reached his side.

He didn't say anything, he didn't even look at you.

"Daniel!" You yelled at the boy, who finally turned his face and looked at you with an unreadable expression on his face.

"What do you want, Y/N?" He said, sounding tired.

"I want to know why my best friend is treating me like a piece of dirt?! What the hell is up your ass, Dani?!" You screamed at him. His eyes softened on you as he heard you sound so broken.

"Y/N..." He sighed

"Don't you Y/N me! Tell me! Right now." You demanded.

He was quiet, contemplating what to say to you.

"Do you like Jack?" He spits out, talking at lightning speed.

The question took you back, you even took a second take. He thought you liked Jack? Why would he even care, just because it's his bandmate?

"No." You simply stated

"Sure seems like you do," He scoffed, turning around again to throw rocks into the unknown.

"Well I don't, not that it's any of your business." You said, again.

"Sorry, thought being your best friend made it my business." Sarcasm was dripping from his teeth at this point.

"You know, you haven't been acting like a best friend lately."

"Sorry, I forgot you have Jack now." He shot back

"Daniel! I don't like Jack! At all!" You sighed trying to make him understand.

"Really doesn't seem that way to me." He stated dryly.

"Daniel! What's gotten into you?!" You exclaimed, growing annoyed at your best friends behavior.

"Nothing! Nothing's gotten into me, Y/N!" He yelled, throwing a rock as hard as he could over the hill. You didn't even see it land.

"Daniel," You started softly, slowly approaching him.

"Do you know how hard it is? I've been watching the girl I love fall in love with Jack for months now, and it sucks. It really fucking sucks." He finally exclaimed, falling to .the ground.

You were quiet. That's why he's been acting strange, he thought you were in love with Jack?

You sighed and sat next to him on the grass.

"I'm not in love with Jack." You whispered, running your hand up and down his arm trying to comfort him.

"Don't-" He started but you cut him off.

"Did I move all the way to L.A to be with Jack, Dani? He's not the one I love." You said quietly.

Daniel was quiet for a moment, taking in what you just said.

"Don't tell me it's Jonah! God Dam-nit, Y/N!" Daniel finally said, pulling out the grass he was playing within anger.

"Daniel!" You exclaimed, causing him to turn his head and look at you.

"It's you." You finally whispered, putting your head on his shoulder as you gripped his arm. You felt his breath hitch as he looked at your head laying on his shoulder.

He kissed the top of your head and embraced the silence.

After nearly 20 minutes of just being there together, he opened his mouth to speak.

"Thank God it's me and not Jack, I don't think I could've competed with his hair if it was him. I was honestly one week away from getting a perm just to fight for you." He said

"God, I hate you sometimes."

Daniel Seavey ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon