How Daniel kisses you

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The majority of your guys' kisses are just sweet little pecks on the lips or on the tip of the nose that send warm tingles crackling through your body. They happen in the morning while you guys are making breakfast together, moving around each other in the kitchen as you make toast and eggs and pour orange juice. They happen throughout the day in the middle of conversations where one of you says something that makes the other stop in their tracks and just thinks God I love you. These kisses are the byproduct of being in each other's presence, letting each other know you care, that you love each other, that you'll always be there.

But there are lots of other kisses, too.

Like kisses when he's trying to persuade you to do something for him. It starts with him sidling up to you and slyly reaching for your hand, fingers dancing along your palm. He holds your hand in his, brushing his thumb along the back of your knuckles. "Please, baby? It would mean the world to me..." By this point, his face is inches from yours as he leans down, aligning his face with yours so your noses brush and your breath catch in your throat. And when he can sense you starting to relent, he brings his lips down on yours smoothly, and your knees buckle at the same time your resolve disappears.

When you guys are messing around, having a pillow fight after he tried to drag you out of bed before 11 am on his day off. You'd wind up, about to bring a pillow down on his head, when he grabs you around your waist and pulls you against him, your lips automatically finding each other. Time stops as the room that was previously filled with the sound of your laughter go silent. Neither of you is in any kind of hurry with these kisses; they are soft and slow-moving, the two of you focused on savoring each other as you melt into each other.

Kisses when he's about to get on a plane to fly halfway across the world. Those kisses are urgent, desperate, jam-packed with every emotion you have for each other. They're all tight embraces, holding your hands on each other's cheeks, staring into each other's eyes and trying to memorize every little detail of your faces. The first few times you have to say goodbye like this, those kisses are also wet with both of your tears. But they dry out eventually because he always came back.

When he did come back, those kisses are straight out of Hollywood. Running towards each other in the airport terminal or the driveway, colliding in a tight hug, Daniel would lift you off the ground and spin you around. Scrambling to get your lips on his, overwhelmed with his proximity after spending so long apart. When you finally come together, it's like a dam breaks, all of the built-up tension leaving your bodies as you relax into each other's embrace. These are a different kind of desperate, trying to get each other as close as possible to keep you from disappearing again.

Kisses before a really big performance. He'd be pacing around the room, bouncing on the balls of his feet, gnawing on the nail of his thumb. You go to him and place a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, you're gonna kill it out there. You always do." He'd meet your gaze, those big blue eyes staring back at you in earnest. "You think so?" "I know so. You were born for this." And with that, you'd pull him towards you and kiss him sweetly. When you try to pull away, he'd reach up and pull you back in, deepening the kiss. With your hand still resting on his shoulder, you could feel some of the tension leave his body. When he finally allows you to break away, he'd have a soft smile resting across his reddened lips. "Thank you, baby."

Good morning and goodnight kisses. In the morning, when both of you were awake but still bed, Daniel would make a point of saying 'good morning' and giving you a kiss before either of your feet hit the floor of your bedroom. Pushing hair away from your face, noses bumping, lips soft and puffy with sleep, Daniel's thumb brushing along your cheekbone. "The best way to start the day," Daniel would say. And the goodnight kisses don't look all that different: crawling under the covers together, you'd curl up against his chest and ask him about his day. You'd catch up on everything that had happened that day, then give him a kiss or two on the lips, maybe one more on his jaw. "I love you. Sleep well, baby. Goodnight." "Love you too, sweetheart. Goodnight."

When he comes home from a stressful day completely drained, he drags his feet through the house as he goes to find you. He'd come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, planting a series of sloppy open-mouthed kisses up and down your neck. You'd sigh, turning around in his arms, holding his face in your hands. Looking down at you through heavy-lidded eyes, he'd mumble, "Wanna cuddle." You'd pop in a movie and the two of you would stretch out on the couch, Daniel tucking his long body under your arm and curling up on your shoulder. He wouldn't be paying the slightest bit of attention to the movie as he nuzzles his nose against your neck, periodically dropping kisses on your collarbone and slowly working his way up to your mouth for a hot-breathed, languid kiss. "Knowing I would be coming home to this was the only thing that got me through today," he'd say, slurring his words out of exhaustion as he slides his arm under your head to cradle you closer for slower, sloppy kisses.

When he's turned He'd start out trying to go slow, gentle kisses on your lips, your cheeks, down your neck. Heavy breathing, whispering into your mouth a slurred "I want you so bad," carding his fingers through your hair. There's only so much of that he can handle before he gets impatient. He starts moving fast, his hands grasping both sides of your face as he kisses you roughly, biting and tugging at your lips, swiping his tongue across yours, teeth clacking unintentionally in his haste. He'd get sloppy, your mouths pressing together harshly and not even completely aligned. He couldn't get you close enough, pulling at your clothes, tugging your hair, wrapping his arms around your rib cage and grabbing at your shoulder blades, nearly lifting you off your feet in his enthusiasm. Murmurs of "Please, baby, I need you," as if he needed to ask you twice.

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