La Vie en Rose

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I knocked my headphones off my ears and pushed back from my desk, rubbing my eyes in exhaustion as I tried to wake myself up. After working on my thesis all day, I was officially burnt out. It was due in a week and it still needed about 20 pages, but I hadn't made any progress for the last 20 minutes and I was just done. Daniel had gotten back last night from a stint of promo and tour, and it killed me to have to work on a stupid paper instead of spend time with him. Glaring at the blinking cursor on the word doc one last time, I closed my laptop and pried myself from the desk chair. I padded down the hall to our bedroom and changed into one of Daniel's oversized t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants.

Hold me close and hold me fast

This magic spell you cast...

Starting towards the kitchen to get a drink, I passed the living room and the gentle sound of Daniel's guitar reached my ears. Instantly some of the tension left my shoulders, and I turned the corner to be met with my boyfriend stretched out on the couch, lacking a shirt and his hair laying softly against his forehead. With his guitar in his lap, he was plucking out a melody and humming along quietly, illuminated a soft pink by the fading daylight streaming through the window. Suddenly overcome with the need to be near him, my bare feet carried me across the hardwood floor of their own accord. When I stopped next to the couch, Danny looked up and smiled sweetly.

"She's emerged."

"I'm completely brain dead."

He stuck out his bottom lip in a pout "Aww, baby." He moved his guitar to rest against the end of the couch and opened his arms. "C'mere." I lowered myself into his embrace and he pulled me close against his warmth. The smell of his aftershave filled my head and I let myself slip under the influence.

When you press me to your heart

I'm in a world apart...

"I think you have your own gravitational field," I mumbled against his chest, leaving a lazy kiss on his sternum.

He chuckled, the sound reverberating through his chest and making my heart flutter. "So that would make you the moon, right?"

I wrinkled my nose, a smile creeping across my face in spite of myself. "That's corny."

"You walked into it."

"Shut up, I'm sleep deprived."

"Still cute, though." I slowly lifted my head and pressed my lips to his, the rotation of the earth slowing to a pause as everything but us faded away.

When you kiss me, Heaven sighs

And though I close my eyes...

Our lips moved in synchrony, slowly, ardently. Daniel's arms encircled my waist, pulling me so close that I could feel his heartbeat against my chest. He hummed on my mouth and champagne bubbles fizzed under the surface of my skin from the top of my head to the ends of my toes, and I swear the only thing that kept me from floating away was Daniel's hold on my waist. He hauled me up so his lips could travel down my neck. "What're you doin' down there?" I giggled as I tried to suppress a shiver.

He squeezed my hips. "Loving you," he mumbled as he continued his assault up and down my neck.

"Is that what you call that?" I teased, nearly cut off by a gasp as he grazed his teeth along my collarbone. "Get back up here, you little..." I trailed off, tugging the roots of his hair to bring his face back to mine. Our lips came together roughly, but still languid, demanding each other's attention as his hands slid under the hem of my shirt.

When you speak

Angels sing from above...

When we finally parted we were both breathless and disheveled. "I've missed you so much," he murmured, bumping noses and drawing a sigh from my lips.

"I've missed you, too, baby." For too long we'd only seen each other through screens, and now to actually be in his arms felt like a dream. His thumbs traced circles against my hips, and I responded by wrapping my arms around his neck and snuggling into his chest.

"I could definitely get used to this," he said, tipping his head back on the arm of the couch and letting out a sigh.

"You're so comfy and warm. And you smell good. I'm never moving again, you can't make me," I said petulantly, nuzzling the base of his neck and shoulder.

"I wouldn't want you to," he said sincerely. "You can stay right here forever."

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