Stay with me

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I clung onto my boyfriend's shoulder as he tried to stand up from the couch. He laughed a little bit, prying my hands off of him. Although I played with him about him leaving me alone tonight, I was a little upset that he didn't want to spend time with me. It's not like we hang out every night. I've been in New York for three months and I finally get home and Daniel wants to go out with the boys he lives with. It just seemed a little bit fishy to me.

Daniel laughed again, "i love you but you have to let me go. i'm going to be late"

"don't leave me" i whined, "come on please"

His face was giggly as he tried to walk towards the door but I frowned. He turned back around to face me. joking with me, "come on, (y/n), i thought you weren't the clingy girlfriend"

My whiny tone changed to anger at the joking, but obnoxious accusation, "clingy? clingy. i am clingy because i want my boyfriend to want to spend time with me"

he scoffed at my words, now growing angrier at the idea of me being angry with him, "why would you even think that? of course i want to spend time with you, but i already made plans with the boys. i'm not just going to bail on them"

"you see the boys every single day, danny. you fucking live with them! i've been two thousand miles away from you for three months now. we've known about the fact that i was coming home today for three weeks. when did you make these plans? before i freaking left for home?"

He threw his keys back on the table by my apartment door, "we have so much time together now that you're home here. i promised the guys that i'd go out with them tonight"

"it's just a little annoying that i got home three hours ago and now i have to spend my night alone" I remind him.

he retorted quickly, "you have dozens of friends here, (y/n). i'm sure you could call one of them"

I can't believe how unrealistic my boyfriend was being, "it's seven o'clock on a friday in Los Angeles. Everyone already has plans"

"exactly! so do i! i love you very much, but it's unreasonable for you to expect that i don't have plans either"

"really? how would you feel if every single time that you came home from tour i picked you up from the airport and then left you to go to a club with Dana? honestly, you would never know what that feels like because every single time you come home from a trip, i'm prepared to spend at least a day with you. i always have my schedule cleared to fit your home-coming and it's unreasonable for me to expect the same from you?"

"i never asked you to do that. but i bet you it wouldn't bother me if that happened. i'd have the boys to hang out with" he tells me.

"you know it feels really great to know where i stand in this relationship. i will always be after 'the boys' and maybe i'm not ok with that"

"that's my entire career, (y/n). i understand that you don't know what it's like to be in a band, but they are the people i travel with. i connect with them through music and they're my best friends"

"yeah, i understand that they're your best friends, trust me. i'm just saying, will i ever stand a chance at being important to you? do i stand a chance against this guys?"

"you are important to my life, (y/n)!" he defends, "but so is music. and if you can't understand that then-"

There was a silence among the room while I tried not to cry, my voice breaking and shattering, "i need someone who wants to spend time with me and wants for me to be their number one. if you can't give that to me, then i guess we're both thinking the same thing"

Daniel sighed, unable to find the words to say to me. Instead, he did the worst thing that you could possibly do in that situation. He picked up the keys from the table, gave me nothing but a short glance and then opened the front door to my apartment, slamming the wood behind him.

My body fell to the floor like the back of my knees had been kicked from behind and my hands grew fond to my face, covering my eyes as the tears began to stream down my face and ruin the pants i was wearing. the entire world came crashing in on me and i could no longer breath. the only thing holding back the water had snapped and now i was going to drown.

I laid on the floor. partially because i was too weak to stand up and walk to my bed and partially because my face practically stuck to the floor with the amount of tears that were running down my face. the cool hardwood floors felt nice against my swollen eyes and my entire body shook in emotion as i couldn't find the energy or will to stand up, despite the unknown amount of time that had gone by.

suddenly the silence of the apartment was broken with keys jingling in the door and opening the apartment door softly. normally i would have jumped up and ran, hiding from the danger that could be lurking but there was no intentions of me leaving from the floor for at least a day. it was nice and calm on the floor and i felt like if i moved, more damage would come.

all i could see through my blurred vision were shoes walking towards me, and then i felt something. for the first time since my body had fallen numb, i felt movement against my hand. fingers traced circles on my hands and i felt air fall beneath me. i recognized this new sensation to be someone lifting my close-to-dead body off of the cool floor. blood went rushing from my head to my toes, alleviating the headache that had been growing and i was sat up against the couch. i pushed the person away from me, recognizing that it was daniel.

my body felt even weaker when he was near me and i tried to push him away from me but it seemed like with every push away he just tried harder. he wasn't any danger to me, i knew that inside of me, but he hurt me and i didn't want him to see that. daniel's arms finally found their way around mine, holding onto me tightly and trying to calm me down from my anxious and depressed state. my body shivered as his breath was warm into my ear, "you are my number one"

Daniel Seavey ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ