worst comes to worst |3|

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"Daniel", you whispered, arms on his shoulders.

He looked down, letting out a dry laugh, "It's fine, Y/N."

It wasn't, you both knew that. You knew it, you called it. But you have to admit, a part of you believed that the boys were really let off easy.

"Stay here", Daniel stood up, throwing on a shirt.

"No", you stood up after him, throwing on one of his hoodies.

"Y/N, I hate to be that guy but please...", he said sternly, sending you back a bit, "Just let me handle it", his voice got softer, "It'll be okay, I promise."

You didn't believe him, not one bit.


You sat at the top of the stairs with Zach, Christina, and Gabbie. You hadn't bitten your nails since you were a kid, but damn you were nervous.

"Okay, have a good night boys", the officer at the door voiced, sending a rush of relief through your body as it did for Zach, Christina, and Gabbie. The rest of the boys were walking up the stairs when you heard the officer, "But Mr Seavey, you gotta come with us."

Everyone immediately looked at you. You shook your head slowly, getting up from your place on the stairs slightly.

"Y/N", Jonah voiced, trying to get you to sit down a bit.

"Officer...I'm sorry but why", Daniel asked, he knew what he had done but the officers didn't give a damn about his story.

"Because I fucking said so! Let's go before this gets ugly", the officer screamed.

You bit your lip as the scene unfolded. This is all my fault, you thought to yourself. "No, no, no", you mumbled, gears turning frantically to help get him out of the situation that was by no means his fault.

"Yeah, you guys damn near killed me", the familiar sound of Griffin's voice shouted.

"And I'd do it again if you ever tried to put your hands on her again", Daniel snarled angrily.

"No! You fucking won't, Seavey. Until you're proven innocent, you assaulted and attempted to murder this man", the officer shouted.

The guys all looked at you, "Y/N, don't", Jack whispered to you.

Zach had his arms wrapped around you like he had when they left, keeping you from running.

"You guys can't let that happen to him, you know it's not his fault", you said with tears brimming your eyes.

"Y/N, he's in trouble with the law! Our careers are on the line, we're gonna see what we can do for him tomorrow...but for now, there's nothing", Corbyn shrugged.

Gabbie and Christina looked at you, trying to read your eyes. You guys were best friends, you hoped that they would get your message.

"Some friends you guys are to Daniel...'family' my ass", you rolled your eyes.

"Y/N, we're doing the best we can", Jonah whispered shouted.

"If you were doing the best you could, you would be helping him", you sent them a small smile, "I'm so sorry Zach", you shook your head.

"F-for what", Zach asked, the boys all looking at you with confusion. Gabbie and Christina remained on the ball though.

"So fucking sorry", you apologized in advance as you twisted and slung your elbow up, hitting Zach square in the jaw.

"Shit", Zach let go of you, giving you your cue to bolt.

"Y/N", the boys yelled as Gabbie and Christina stood up, trying to buy you a few seconds by standing in the middle of the stairway.

"Daniel! Officer", you yelled as they were getting in the car, Griffin in the passenger's seat and Daniel in the back.

"Just fucking great", Griffin rolled his eyes, they had fucked him up pretty good. Both of his eyes were bruised and his face had several cuts and bruises, who knows what the rest of him looked like.

"Officer, please", you looked in the eyes of the familiar face, "Mr Mason...", Griffin's father. You wanted to cry.

"Gotcha", Griffin winked. You wanted to kill him yourself, he was begging for it.

"Y/N, go back inside babe. I'll be back", Daniel told you from the back.

"In seven years if you're lucky", the officer and Griffin laughed from the front seat.

"You raised a pretty brave guy", you told Officer Mason.

That wasn't what anyone was expecting, especially not the gang who all stood on the porch, watching the scene unfold.

Officer Mason nodded, "Thank you....may I ask why", he chuckled.

"Easy! It takes a lot of balls to attempt at and threaten to beat the shit out of a woman. Especially a woman who has so many gosh damn connections that if word had really gotten around, you'd be mourning your son's death right now while another officer took my boyfriend and HIS BEST FRIEND'S to the station", you turned to the gang vaguely, Zach holding his jaw. You turned back around, "Either Griffin here forgot that, or you really did raise a brave one." Daniel looked at you in shock at the word 'boyfriend'.

"He threatened to....", Officer Mason looked at his son who rubbed his temples angrily.

"Now you can let him out of this gosh forsaken car right now, or we'll come bail him out in the morning...you'll be out of a job by noon for denying abuse", you shrugged, "And my many connections will take it from there", you sent him an innocent smile.

"You're not the girl that my son brought home", Officer Mason shook his head.

"I'm not. I'm not a girl who walks on eggshells, I'm not a girl who watches something unjust happen, and him...", you looked at Griffin, "That's exactly who you raised because I know personally from your ex-wife that that's exactly who you were", you raised your voice, "Now unlock the door."

Officer Mason and Griffin exchanged looks, the whole neighborhood now outside their homes, phones out, watching.

"You got lucky this time", Officer Mason unlocked the door, Daniel exiting the car.

"No, you did", you slammed the car door, "I don't wanna see you again either", you stared at Griffin.

"If I ever see you again–", Daniel began, screaming at Griffin.

"You'll regret dating me even more than you do now", you laughed with crossed arms as they sped away.

"Daniel...", you began.

He pulled you into his arms immediately, "I know, it's okay. You're okay. We're okay", he said as tears fell down your face.

"Y/N, you're so badass", the boys said as you guys walked up the stairs.

"That's our best friend", Christina and Gabbie added with high fives.

"My fucking jaw", Zach groaned.

"It was never Dolan material anyway", you teased as he rolled his eyes playfully.

"I was hoping you guys had a plan anyway", he confessed before you all separated back into your rooms.

As soon as Daniel's door closed, he looked at you with nothing but love and adoration, "I don't think you understand how much I love you", he pulled you in.

"No, that's you babe", you winked as you lips collided.

Daniel Seavey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now