First Time Together

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-LOTS of nerves

-both of you would be so excited to experience something so intimate with each other

-but also nervous about not doing it right or not being sure of what to do

-Of course, it'd be a little bit awkward but that makes it fun and all the more intimate

-So many soft kisses

-Bumping noses, shaking hands, breathless giggles into each other's mouths

-Shivering when the clothes come off!!

-Partly because you're nervous but mostly because you're so damn hot for each other

-Hesitant touches, lots of questions

-"Is this okay?" "where do you want me to touch you?" "Does this feel good?" "can I do this?"

-Lots of exploration, taking the time to learn every little thing about what feels good for each of you

-Totally worshipping each other's bodies

-"you're an actual angel"

-"so beautiful"

-"I want you so bad, baby"

-Kisses everywhere: faces and necks and chests and hips and stomachs

-Also! Danny is totally a boob guy and you can't convince me otherwise

-He'd be obsessed the second he saw them for the first time

-squeezing them and kissing them and leaving marks

-He would absolutely love marking you up, leaving purple and red spots wherever you'd let him

-"you're mine, gorgeous"

-He'd let out a strained groan every time you left a mark on him

-But he'd be pretty sheepish about expressing pleasure

-Like you would nibble at his hips and he'd hiss

-You'd ask if you hurt him

-"no no I'm good... could you actually do it again, maybe?"

-Heavy breathing and soft gasps when one of you did something that felt good

-Danny would be 100% focused on making you feel amazing and getting you there first

-He would be so careful and attentive

-"are you ready? you sure?"

-he'd start out super slow to make sure he didn't hurt you (nearly killing himself in the process lbr)

-it would just be so. Intense.

-At first, it's a little awkward trying to find a rhythm and you'd both be laughing which would just make it more intense

-When you guys do find a rhythm together you never want it to stop

-Daniel wouldn't be able to stop praising you

-"so good for me, baby, so good"

-"you're perfect"

-"you're my good girl, yeah?"

-He'd start swearing at this point too

-"holy shit you feel incredible"

-"fuck, I love the sounds your making"

-Hitched breath and quiet moans

-Holding onto each other for dear life

-Squeezing hands and whining his name when you reach your peak

-You'd keep moving to get him there

-honestly, it would take like two seconds and your name would tumble from his lips

-(whatever you do, do NOT think about what his face looks like as he cums)

-he would just collapse on top of you, both of you breathing heavily and covered in sweat but you couldn't care less

-he would be panting ""

-you'd laugh at his reaction "yeah, wow about sums it up"

-so much praise!!! all of the kisses!!!

-"You were so incredible baby, I love you so much it hurts"

-"I love you too, Danny, so much"

-i'm probably gonna do another one of these just for the afterglow so stay tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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