Suprise For The Weekend

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You and Daniel starting dating when you were both in grade 12, and now you were finishing your second year of university while Daniel was touring with the boys. The last time you saw him was just after New Years, so it's been a few months, but you understood what his job was and didn't have a problem. You would FaceTime as often as you could, which would be almost every night, and you'd text throughout the day, sometimes one of you calling the other before the day finished because you missed each other's voices.

Daniel had this weekend off and wanted to come visit you, but you told him not to because he deserved some rest and you didn't want him to be more drained than you were sure he already was. Sure, you did want him to come, but you knew he should just be at home resting, plus you had a lot of studying to do for final exams coming up. And since you lived off campus with some friends, you probably wouldn't be spending a lot of time at the house because you would get distracted easily, so you'd be going to the library a lot. Of course Daniel fought you on wanting to come, he missed you too, but he gave up and agreed with you after some convincing.

That conversation took place on Monday and it was now Thursday afternoon and Daniel would be arriving back home soon and had told you he'd let you know when he landed and got home. You were excited for him to finally be home, you knew he missed his family like crazy, hell, you even missed them, but you talk to Anna and Christian almost as much as you talk to Daniel. Anna had actually told you that you should fly out to surprise Daniel since he was upset he couldn't come see you, but you told her the same thing you told Daniel. Just then, Daniel was calling you.

"Hello?" "Hi babe!" "Are you home? How was the flight?" "Just got my bags and I'm heading to the car. I miss you," Daniel said in a quiet voice, clearly sad that he wasn't going to see you. "I miss you too, Dani, but I'm almost done the year, and your tour is almost over and then we can see each other as much as we want." "Yeah that's true, I just wish it hadn't been so long," he spoke still a little upset. "Well the wait is almost over, so don't be too sad," you told him trying to perk up his mood, "and plus now you're home and get to see your parents and Anna! She told me she's so excited for this weekend with you!" "Yeah, Tyler and I missed her like crazy, and Christian too, but we don't get to see him yet either. Oh there's my car, I'll call you back when I'm home. I love you Y/N." "Love you too Daniel, bye."

When you hung up, you got back to studying. You were actually studying at home today since you figured you'd be talking to Daniel quite a bit and didn't want to be a disturbance in the library. You and your three friends/housemates were all at the kitchen table working together in silence, occasionally stopping to talk or watch an episode of The Office. Once it was 5 o'clock you said you'd make pasta for the four of you while they continued studying with The Office low in the background. As the water was boiling, Daniel called you again.

You answered, "hey!" "Hello, I am now home." You laughed at his phrasing and the way he said that, "good, how is ever-" Then the doorbell rang, and you called to your friends, "hold on Daniel. Can one of you get that? I'm cooking and on the phone." Then you heard one of your friends get up to answer the door. "Sorry Dani, what was I saying? Oh, how is everyone?" Then from the front door you heard a small yell or gasp and your two other friends run to the door, "guys! I'm on the phone," you yelled to them, "who could possibly be at the door?" You stayed at the stove, now pouring the pasta in the water. "I'm so sorry Daniel," you said laughing. "No it's fine don't worry," he said, now sounding very clear, then he cleared his throat and you turned around.

There he was, standing in the opening of your kitchen. You put your phone down on the counter and went to hug him. He picked you up slightly and swung you. "What are you doing here," you asked him once you both released from the hug. "I just really missed you. And don't worry I won't bother you or stop your studying, but I just really wanted to be with you," he said shyly but with a smile on his face. That made your heart race, "I love you," you told him. "I love you too. Oh there's another surprise." You looked at him questioningly, and then Anna appeared in the kitchen. "Anna! What are you doing here?!" "I wanted to come with Daniel. So I flew to their show last night and we came together!" You two were now holding each other tight. "Hey, I missed her more," Daniel spoke up. You and Anna laughed and let go of each other so you could go hug Daniel again, a big smile on his face. "And before you say anything about both of us coming, I texted Y/F/N, she just wasn't the one who answered the door," Daniel told you, knowing exactly what was going through your mind. Then you remembered, "THE PASTA!"

You could hear your friends laughing from the table, "thanks for the help," you said back to them also laughing now. "Aw, I wanted to take you all out for dinner since I know it's a stressful time," Daniel told you as he came to hug you from behind. You turned and held his arms and kissed him, "that's sweet babe. Maybe tomorrow night then, exams haven't started yet but none of us have class either so we'll study during the day so we can go out." "Fine, I guess that's okay," Daniel responded, and you laughed. Anna was at the table looking at your notes, "holy shit Y/N, that's so many pages, how the hell is there so much," she looked shocked at all the work you've done. "I really couldn't tell you Anna, it's absolute hell though."

While you were cooking Daniel and Anna made themselves comfortable on the couch and were watching The Office while your friends were distracted and were talking to Anna and Daniel. Every so often Daniel, Anna or Y/F/N would come and ask if you needed help, and you said no every time. That didn't stop Daniel from leaving the kitchen though. Every time he came in, he'd sit on the counter watching as you cooked the pasta and sauce while the two of you just talked, a common conversation being about the rest of the boys and tour. "You know they begged me to let them come? They complained that I let Anna come and not them," Daniel was telling you as he imitated each of them when they said it wasn't fair. "It would've been chaos in the house if they came, there'd be more of you than people that lived in the house." "That's what I told them!" You both laughed, "I really missed you, you know," Daniel said to you as he got off the counter and held your hand. You smiled up at him, "I know, I missed you too, so much." You kissed him, and he smiled at you, "I'm glad you ended up coming," you confessed. "I knew you would be," he told you and he faked flipping his hair. You laughed and hit his chest lightly as you yelled for the other four girls who were now chatting about something "dinner's ready!"

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