Oh Baby

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you never expected to have a child at the age of seventeen. you never expected to get into a relationship with a pop star either. but you wouldn't change either of those things for the world.

your daughter, addy, is the light of your life. you'd spend every minute of the day making her happy. five years ago when your daughter came into the world, the guy you were with at the time left you and her on your own. of course you had your family's support but your baby girl would grow up without a father. that was until you met daniel.

meeting daniel was an accident. you bumped into him on the street one day and he spilled coffee all over your shirt. being the nice boy he is, he offered to buy you one and turned into a date. the dates happened one after another and before you knew it, you and daniel had been dating for eight months.

although you knew daniel was the sweetest guy you've ever met, you were scared he would leave you when you told him about your daughter. so when you told him before you started dating you were more than surprised by his reaction:

"Daniel, before we get into anything serious, I have to tell you something," you sighed, nervous. he looked concerned and he reached across the table in the restaurant you were in to grab your hands.

"hey, you can tell me when you're ready," he looked at you with those amazing, ocean blue eyes.

"no, i have to tell you now," you intertwined your fingers with his and squeezed them lightly. you took a deep breath and looked up to him.

"daniel, i have a kid," you looked down, frightened of his potential reaction. you had this conversation with only two other people and not one of them went well.

"look at me, baby," he moved your chin up to look at him. he smiled at you and chuckled a bit. "did you think that that would stop me from liking you?"

you nodded, relieved he didn't leave you in the middle of the restaurant.

"well, it doesn't. I can't wait to meet your kid. what's the name? boy or a girl? you're probably the most amazing mom. how old?" he started asking all these questions, clearly growing more excited by the second.

you took this time to look at him. he looked overjoyed and you've never seen him smile so big. your heart burst of happiness and the only thought in your mind was about how this man deserved the world.

when daniel met your baby girl, he was more nervous than you. he had gone to the store and bought toys, snacks, and so much more to get her to like him. you knew she would but the idea of him trying to impress her made you giddy inside.

but when the two of them met, everything fell into place. daniel was the piece missing in your puzzle. he stayed in your apartment for five hours that day; watching Disney movies, playing dolls, and baking cookies. she loved daniel and couldn't stop talking about him after that day.

when the time came to make your relationship public, you were nervous about exposing your daughter to the limelight (and limelights) but the reaction from everyone was very positive. of course, some people would give you hate for being older and having a kid at a young age but most people seemed to love addy. the boys also loved her and constantly asked you to bring her over to the house.

even though lots of people loved her, you were still freaking out about meeting daniel's family. you ever tried to get out of going because your nerves got the best of you:

you tapped on the call button for daniel's contact. he picked up on the third ring.

"what's up, babe?" he asked you, happy that you were calling.

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