worst comes to worst

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// flashback to 30 minutes ago //

You sat on the couch in your apartment, watching some old rerun from when you were a kid. You were staring at the screen, but not watching. You couldn't help but think about what he would say when he came home. You had seen the tabloid in the supermarket and knew that there was a huge chance that he had seen it already. You hadn't gotten a text, call, nothing. You were slightly filled with relief but another part of you knew not to leap before you looked.

You suddenly heard a set of keys outside your door, you instantly threw yourself down in a sleeping position. You shut your eyes just as the door opened. You heard the footsteps get closer to the couch and you found yourself holding your breath. The steps seemed to go on forever, like pacing.

You suddenly felt a cool something smack onto your body, "What the fuck is that", he yelled.

You winced slightly, pretending to wake up. You looked down to see a magazine laying on your legs, "Hm?"

"Don't play stupid, Y/N", your boyfriend, Griffin, yelled at you.

You looked down at the magazine, a picture of you hugging Daniel. "He's my best friend, you know that", you sounded so helpless.

"'He's my best friend'", he mocked in a high pitch voice, "I'm tired of hearing the same old bullshit. You're a fucking....a fucking...a fucking whore!"

Your eyes went wide at that, "What the fuck did you just call me", you screamed back.

"You heard me! All I ever do is see you with those guys, it was just a matter of which one you were caught with this time", he shook his head, "Don't tell me that's not whore behaviour?!"

"Whore behaviour? I already fucking told you that they're my best friends, nothing more nothing less", you tried to explain yourself.

"Get the fuck out", he spoke calmly.

"Excuse me? This is half my apartment too", you shouted at him, completely over the bullshit.

"Well I'm telling you to get the fuck out", he slammed his hand on the couch, missing your arm by a few inches.

"Did you just try to hit me", you asked, trying to keep the fierce act up, but it seemed to fade quickly.

"Yes, and next time I won't miss. Now get the fuck out", he shouted at you with pure anger.

You suddenly felt helpless again, timid, fragile. You put on your shoes and hoodie, his eyes boring into you like bullets. You finally grabbed your keys and purse, slamming the door as you walked out of the apartment, "You dumb fuck", you silently cursed yourself for following his orders.

You felt lost but somehow knew exactly where to go.

// end of flashback //

You tried to compose yourself in your car as you sat across the street from the WDW house. Tears had fallen down your face like waterfalls and you were completely dishevelled. After about fifteen more minutes of waiting, you decided that it was now or never.

You sniffled, looking at your reflection in your phone screen as you rang the doorbell. Your eyes were slightly puffy but you hid them with your sunglass, which you would soon have to take off.

"Hey sweets", Jack opened the door, engulfing you in a huge hug.

"Hey noodles", you forced a smile as he walked you to the living room where everyone sat, including the rare sight of Christina and Gabbie. You loved them to death but they were girls, they could spot anything from a mile away.

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