Promises Are Meant To Be Broken

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"Y/N, how are you feeling?" your mom asked you as you kept looking for the person you wanted to see your boyfriend.

You sighed, looking at your mom and answered. "A little bit nervous, I'm just so worried about Daniel. He hasn't called me since this morning."

"Try calling Jonah, maybe he knows where Daniel is."

You nodded as you snatched your phone from your bag and typed Jonah's number.

"Maybe, he'll surprise you or something." she tried cheering you up, "Everything's going to be okay, honey." She planted a kiss on your forehead which made you smile a little. Your mom really knew how to make you feel better.

Your mom sent you her good luck as she left you outside the auditorium. The recital hasn't started yet but you were getting anxious as time runs and Daniel is running out of time to see you perform. After a few rings, Jonah answered.

"Y/N! What's up?" Jonah greeted from the other line.

"Hey, J. Is Daniel with you right now?"

"Um, no. I'm currently back in Minnesota and haven't heard from him since yesterday."

"Oh, really? How about the boys? Are they in the city?"

"Yeah, I was the only one who went home. Try calling Corbyn."

"Okay, thanks. Talk to you later."

"Yeah, you too. Bye!"

You ended the phone call which made you sigh, Daniel was being suspicious again. Like how he doesn't answer his phone. The first time he did this to you is when his phone died while he was with his family. You let that slip away because he was clearly with his family at that time. You know how important family is for him and so does for you.

It didn't take long when Corbyn answered, he told you the same thing—he hasn't heard a word from Daniel since they hanged out yesterday. Though, he promised you that he'll update you if he gets any information where he is. As much as you wanted to chill about it, but you just couldn't believe he's back with him being MIA again.

"Y/N! The recital is about to start!" Georgina announced which made you get in. You got in the auditorium with your head filled with thoughts about Daniel.


"Thank you so much, it means a lot to me." you gladly thanked the coordinator as you walk back to the backstage.

You asked the coordinator if they can make your performance the last one, thankfully, they let you. It gave you a little bit of hope that Daniel might make it, you never gave up because you knew Daniel will never fail you. The recital is about to end soon which made you nervous, Daniel not being around made you nervous.

"That was one beautiful performance!" the emcee cheerfully stated, "Now, for our last performance, it will be played for us by Y/N Y/L/N!" you sighed as you walk to the stage.

You didn't mind your palms sweating to death and the fact that you feel like throwing up. You knew only Daniel can make you feel like everything's going to be okay, but you had nothing to do, he isn't around to make you feel safe. You pushed back all the anxiety and smiled a bit as you head to the piano.

As you play to whatever song you practiced a couple of weeks ago, you couldn't care more, it didn't matter for you. You were too occupied with Daniel in your thoughts, you couldn't believe he missed you perform. Not that you find it unfair that whenever he and the other boys have a show, you'll always find a way to go. But it's just disappointing. You finished your performance with a tight lip smile and bowed, you left the stage without hesitation.

You just zoned out the whole finale, you barely noticed your mom called you, signaling that it was time to go.

Your mom pulled you into a hug, "I'm so proud of you." she squeezed you then you pulled away from her as you mouthed 'thank you'. "So, where do you want to eat?"

You shrugged looking down, "Let's just head home, I'm not hungry."

As you both got in the car, you checked your phone. A notification from Corbyn appeared.

>> I saw his IG story a couple of minutes ago, he went hiking with angi.

You didn't bother to reply, you just sighed and took a nap as your mom drives off.


After yesterday, you didn't bother speaking to anyone, you weren't in the mood. You didn't do anything, just stayed in bed and did nothing. You were busy contemplating why was this happening to you and Daniel's relationship. Maybe to others, it wasn't that big of a deal but for you, it means a lot. Especially when Daniel promised you that he'll be there cheering you up since you get anxious when you're up on the stage.

The door of your bedroom opened, "Hey, baby." his voice was sweet and safe. You wanted to run to him and give him a hug, but it was so heavy. You couldn't move. You don't want to move.

You didn't say anything. Just cuddling on your warm bed which you stayed on the majority of your time when you got home.

"Babe, you won't believe what happened yesterday. Angi and I went hiking and it was one of the best hikes I've gone to!" he cheerfully stated as he sat beside you whilst you're still laying in bed.

You didn't speak once more which made Daniel confused, he got closer to you and touched your arm. You were caught off guard, so you sit up from you laying down and rested your head on your wooden headboard.

"What's wrong?" his voice went from excited to concern real quick. You didn't bother looking at him, you were still pissed off and disappointed from yesterday.

"You tell me." you spat crossing your arm.

He didn't speak, it took him a couple of moments to talk again. "What? What did I do this time?" You looked at his direction in disbelief, he looks clueless. You just couldn't believe he forgot about it.

"Yeah, okay." you pursed your lips as you look at him, "Forget it." You snuggled again on your bed, facing the other side so you wouldn't see him.

"Here we go again..." he sounded pissed? This fucker has to stop. I should be the one pissed off and now he is doing it.

"You did forget, didn't you?"

"Forgot what?"

"You forgot about my fucking recital!" you burst everything out as you sat up once more. You look at him as his lips parted seeing his gap.

"Fuck." he cursed, "Baby, I'm sorry." you shook your head as you look down.

You feel humiliated, you just couldn't believe him. I wouldn't be surprised if he's going to forget about our anniversary, you thought.

"You know, Angi isn't really around since she travels a lot and she just got here the other day and asked me if we could hang-out. I kind of lost track of the time, and you know, I just missed it." Daniel reasoned. You knew Daniel forgot it but he tries to find a reason.

"Just tell me you forgot it." with a disappointed tone in your voice. He paused just looking at you in the eyes intensely, your vision gets blurry already. "I just need to hear it."

"I did," he spoke. "I-I forgot about it."

"Daniel, just leave. I don't want to talk to you right now."


"Please leave."

And with that, he stood up and left without saying anything. You cried as he got out. It was too much to handle, it was disappointing. What hurts is that he promised. You guess promises are meant to be broken.

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