8 Letters (smut)

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She moans out his name, her fingers digging into the skin of his back. Every single move, every thrust he does makes her feel better and better. He knows her body as nobody else does and it fits perfectly along to his.

"Oh, yes babe I'm almost there", Daniel groans and she feels him gripping her hips to hold them in place. He loves having control over her but so does she, to be honest. She just flips them over so she's on top starting to move her hips to get them both to their high.

She collapses on Daniel's chest trying to come down from her orgasm as she's still a panting mess, "Wow that was amazing... I really missed you", she whispers nuzzling her nose in his neck not even caring that he is sweaty.

"Missed you too and it was great yeah. Love it when you are on top babe. It's hot", Daniel mumbles pressing a kiss to her neck then wraps his arms around her waist holding her close.

They lay next to each other in silence for a while then he just lifts her off his body laying her down on the bed.

"What are you doing? Don't you wanna stay the night? I could really need some cuddles and you just came back from tour yesterday", she pouts sitting up in bed covering her boobs with the white sheets.

Daniel arrived yesterday after he was in Europe for like 6 weeks. She wanted to visit but he always told her he'd be too busy with traveling and that it would be too much for her to fly across the world just to see him. She would have loved to do it as she'd do anything just to spend more time together but she respected his decision.

They have been friends for a couple of years but a few months ago they started to hook up with each other. First, it was just a drunk one-night stand they never wanted to mention again but then every time they hung out it all turned into a make-out scene and ended up in bed together. Not that she'd complain though, she really likes him, always did and enjoyed every second they got with each other. She loves having his body so close against her, feeling all of him.

Since the band started Daniel got happier as he finally could live his dream of getting out lots of music and touring the world but the sudden fame also has its dark sides. Not once she ended up comforting him because he was stressing over some rumors or the pressure that management makes them.

With the sex, he found a relief and an escape from his life not to mention that he did like her as well but he knew that he wasn't enough. She deserved a boyfriend that's here for her the entire time, can give her all the love she needs. He wasn't that guy.

"I can't sleep here... I got work tomorrow yeah ahm... management told us we should be at the studio tomorrow morning to get some things done for the album", he says running his fingers through his hair. He just lied to her, a thing he does way too often but he can't stand the way she looks at him and how she holds onto his body. Deeply inside he knows what he feels for her but he couldn't tell her the truth.

She nods her head watching how he gets dressed. She smiles at the way his back muscles contract when he closes his jeans and how he ruffles his hair after he pulled his shirt over his head. It's the little things that made her fall for him.

"I gotta see you soon I guess... I will text you", Daniel leans over kissing her head. A gesture he does to avoid her lips knowing the feeling will weaken him. She takes his face in his hands wanting a kiss but he pulls back standing up straight again. She furrows her brows, "Something wrong?" He shakes his head grabbing his car keys. "I love you, Daniel. Please text me when you are home", she just blurts out suddenly making his heart stop. What did she just say? They just had sex. He never expected her to catch feelings, not in such a strong way. He can't tell her the same thing, he couldn't get it out of his mouth. It seems simple to say those 8 letters but it isn't, not for him.

"Thank you", he stutters shaking his head as that was just the dumbest answer he could have responded with to her confession.

She furrows her brows and takes his hand, "Thank you? But don't you feel the same? You always tell me when we sleep with each other that I'm the most beautiful girl you've ever laid your eyes on and that... that...", tears start to form in her eyes.

Daniel gets out of her grip quickly. He can't stay one second longer looking at her. He is the reason she is crying.

"I'm so sorry but... I can't do this anymore like when feelings are involved in this. You deserve someone so much better", and with that, the leaves her back in her room completely heartbroken. He tries to calm himself down while walking to his car, yes, he is in love with her as well but he'd never admit that. He is scared to let himself fall.

She buries her face into her pillow starting to sob. She gave everything she had for him, her heart, her body, her... virginity. She tried to show him as much as love and affection as she possibly could and she was so sure he felt the same. But as she overthinks everything she realizes he always pulled her close yeah but also pushed her away again just as many times telling her he needs his space.

But she never expected him to be so heartless after confessing her feelings to him.

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