Chapter 1

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Two years later

Molly's POV

"Fucking hell," I swear, trying to pull the zipper on my dress up.

"Here," Sierra says, suddenly taking the zipper from my fingers, "I've got you."

"Thank you," I reply, my arms dropping down to my sides. She pulls the zipper up, but stops before it gets to the top. I feel her pulling, but it won't go up. Shit. I suck in my stomach, hoping that will help. The zipper goes up slightly higher, but not all the way still.

"I think it's stuck," Sierra frowns, "I don't want to break your dress, Molly."

"Keep trying," I tell her, "I need this to fit. We just got it like two months ago."

"I thought this was that dress. Wasn't it a little big when we got it?" She questions. I nod, pressing on my stomach while sucking in as much as possible. She pulls once again and it goes up.

I let out a breath, "Yeah, it was. And thanks for the help."

"No problem," she shrugs, "Ready to go? Luke's been spamming my phone asking where the hell we are. They act like they didn't tell us seven o'clock. It's not even six thirty yet."

I laugh as we head down to her car, "Calum's been doing the same for me. I think they're just scared because this is gonna be the first thing they've released in a little over a year."

"Are you going on the press tour with them? To Europe, Asia, and Australia?"

I sigh, leaning my head against the window as she drives, "I don't know. I mean, they're gonna be gone for a little over a month, and I know you, Crys, and Kay are going with them, so I'll be alone. But I don't wanna be gone all that time. What if the city needs me or something?"

"Teleporting hasn't gotten any easier?"

I shake my head no, "It's not as bad as when I first got the power. I used to actually throw up after teleporting. Now I just get really nauseous and dizzy." Lies.

"That's really weird. Why do you think it's doing that? Your powers don't usually do this," she points out.

I shrug, trying to keep up my lie, "I don't know. Powers are weird as fuck even after five years. Anyways, did Luke play Easier for you?"

"No!" Sierra yells, making a sharp left turn, "He says that he, Cal, Ash, and Mikey all swore each other to secrecy, but I could totally see that being bullshit. Did he play it for you? Or Calum?"

"Neither one would crack," I admit, "I think they were serious about this one. I mean, they tried to swear each other to secrecy back when they were releasing the Youngblood album, but I was able to convince Calum to let me hear Valentine, Babylon, Talk Fast, and a few others early." Sierra laughs loudly and pulls into the building the boys' label is hosting their Easier release party in. We exchange a smile, then climb out of the car and head inside.

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