Chapter 21

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Molly's POV

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask, turning to look at my older brother as we drive to the doctor's office.


"When you came into my room. You sounded like you were saying you want to talk to me. So?"

"It's not important right now," Luke assures me, "I don't think it's the right time." It clicks.

"Ah," I agree, "So something to do with me and Calum? Let me guess. Moving in together?"

"Am I that obvious?" He glances over at me, a small smile on his face.

"Sometimes," I agree, "But that's not how I knew. You were acting weird at breakfast this morning after I mentioned it. Sierra thinks I just surprised you because it hasn't really registered that I'm having a baby."

"I mean," Luke pauses, now frowning, "She's not exactly wrong. It's just so weird to think about. It took me a year to get used to you and Calum dating. I know you're having a baby and everything, it just hasn't really hit me yet, and I don't think it will until she's here."

"Is that why you're scared of me moving in with Calum?"

"I'm just worried about what you moving out will do to our relationship." He pulls into the parking lot. I sit in stunned silence as he parks and turns off the engine. "Ready to go?"

"No, I want to talk about this," I pipe up, locking the doors so he can't get out.

"We can talk later. Your appointment starts in five minutes, and you need to get checked in."

I shake my head no, "My doctor doesn't mind waiting for me. All she wants is to deliver what will possibly be the world's first super powered baby. I could be ten hours late, and she's wouldn't care. What do you think will happen to our relationship if I move out?"

Luke's cheeks heat up as he stares at his lap, "I don't know, and that's what scares me, Molls. Living together made us so close, and I love that. I love that I'm the one you'll talk to in the middle of the night when some bad guy did something dumb, or that I can go to you for relationship advice right away when I do something stupid in front of Sierra, or that when we've both had a long day, we can just sit on the couch and binge the Kardashians, Real Housewives, or the Bachelor together and forget about all the shit going on. If you move out, what happens to all of those things?"

"The only thing that will change between us is that I won't be in the same house, Luke," I assure him, "I promise I will still wake you up at three in the morning to bitch about bad guys, or come rushing over to hear about how dumb you were being on your date, and you're a fucking idiot if you think our reality TV binge nights are going anywhere. I'm not gonna live with you forever Luke. One day, whether it's with Calum or not, Petunia and I are gonna move out."

"I swear to God if you think you're taking my dog-"

"We can talk about who Petunia will live with later-"

"Me," Luke cuts in.

I roll my eyes, "Later. Anyways, it's not like you even have to worry about this anymore. With how things look between Calum and I at the moment, I don't even know if we're still dating." I unlock the doors and climb out. Luke follows my lead.

"You guys are still dating," he argues, "and you'll work it out and end up moving in with him. Just to make me feel lonely."

"That's what you get for getting attached to having your sister living with you for six years." He laughs and messes up my hair as we walk into the doctor's office.

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