Chapter 29

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Molly's POV

"So that was Inferno, right?" Michael whispers as we move upstairs quickly. I nod, glancing through the window. He's waiting outside, sitting over by Ashton's car.

"That means he probably has Ashton," I mumble, "Who knows who else he may have."

"He's fucking waiting out there to kidnap me? What if he killed Ash? What if he kills me?" Michael rambles, his eyes wide, "I can't go out there. But then he'll know something is wrong and that we're on to him."

"Which is exactly why you're going to go out there, acting like everything is normal, and get kidnapped," I respond, grabbing my Psyche clothes. I move into my bathroom to get changed.

"Excuse me, but I'm going to do what now?"

"You're going to go out there and get kidnapped, so I can find out where Inferno is hiding out," I explain, pulling on my black tee shirt. I move out of the bathroom, still in my sweats.

"And how are you going to do that? You know he's gonna take my phone," Michael points out.

I bite my lip, "I'm not proud of this, but I've got a tiny tracker that I can put on you."

"For what?"

"Felix put it on me back after Shockwave stole my powers and I disappeared for a few days. He planted it on me after he found me, thinking I might run again, which I didn't." I go over to my dresser and open my jewelry box, pulling the tiny tracker out of it. I walk over and clip it onto the tag of Michael's shirt.

"Molly, I don't know about this," he starts nervously, sitting down on my bed, "What if Inferno doesn't actually have Ashton? What if it's just like with Luke back at the beginning of this whole mess? What if he just uses me next? Not to mention, you're almost nine months pregnant. What are you gonna do if this is part of his grand scheme of a trap?"

"I can hold my own," I reply. I sit on the bed beside him. Michael sighs softly, staring at his lap.

"I want to help," he agrees, "But Jesus Molly this is terrifying. I mean, how do you do this everyday? I don't even know if I'm gonna be hurt, and I'm scared shitless."

"I don't know," I answer, my voice quiet, "I've tried to stop, you know?" Michael glances up at me, surprise in his eyes as he shakes his head no. I bite my lip, "After Aftershock and Shockwave, in the few days before my parents and brothers left, I tried to quit. I mean, I was tired. I thought I was done with supervillains. But I'd hear police sirens and flip out. I just physically couldn't stop. So I told myself to keep going, but maybe cut back a little because I could see how much I was worrying mum and dad, even after they left and everything.  I tried to stop after I got pregnant too. Calum asked me if I wanted to take a break. I knew he was really hoping I'd say yes. He is still hoping for that. I just love helping people. It gives me a rush. I've got the fucking coolest job ever and don't wanna stop if I'm honest. But look Mikey, I still get it. And I can't ask you to do this. Really, it was selfish of me to even suggest it. I guess I just got excited at the thought of finally fucking finishing this shit."

"I'll do it," he says, surprising me.

"You don't have to. I wasn't trying to pressure you or anything, Michael," I assure him.

He nods, "I know. I want to do this though. I want to help them and you. I've got this." Michael takes a deep breath, standing up, "Just please don't forget to come get me. Please."

"Damn," I swear, "There went my entire plan. Of course I'll come get you, stupid." Michael sticks his tongue out at me then walks over to my bedroom door.

"Wish me luck."

"Good luck. I'll hopefully see you soon." He nods then leaves. The front door slams shut a few minutes later. I sigh and pull out my phone to start tracking his location. Almost immediately, the little dot on my screen signifying Michael starts speeding away. My stomach flips nervously. Please let him be okay.

I bite my lip and stand up, my mind racing. How am I going to do this? I need a plan, a strategy. Inferno has been planning this for years. Then it hits me. I grab my phone and text Felix, telling him to meet me at the police station in five minutes. 

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